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Why is this forum so bugged?!?


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I have been trying to figure out things with hyperspin for weeks now. Almost any topic I search for in Google, I do find a "great" answer for in only this forum...

The problem is that whenever I press that "great" answer link, i only get to the main menu of this forum.


No threads nothing. Just the main menu.


I am logged in. I am a platinum supporting member.


I have to say I find the search in this forum useless. I do not find what I look for.


Hyperspin on the other hand is GREAT!


It's quite the learing curve to get it working, and that sucks ass bigtime, since all you have to to is do a search for whatever you need help with. Sadly all hits, leads to this forum, and only this forum. Not the topic, just the forum.


I could keep ranting on... But whats wrong with this forum? Was it recently redesigned and all info just trashed?


I have attached a image with a link I just tried.


The forum here also nags me all the time about my first post, so this is it! I have not felt the need to post anything here, since I have found this forum to be totally useless. All info has to be found elsewhere. Youtube videos of geeks ranting on for hours seems to be the best source of information about hyperspin....



this is for many old threads on this board, since the update a few weeks ago. with the update many links are broken / useless from google. on google you have to go to the cache version to get the old answers. It will be better after google "read out" the board newly...


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