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Artwork Packs-Super Nintendo Theme 1.0


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File Name: Super Nintendo Theme 1.0

File Submitter: viperx420

File Submitted: 31 May 2015

File Category: Artwork Packs

Naming Convention: Super Nintendo, ViperX420 20150531, SNES Theme 1.0
Resolution(s): 4:3
Format: .zip
File Count: 3
Release Date: 05/31/2015
Credits: ViperX420
Website: www.twitch.tv/VideoGameRoulette




Super Nintendo Theme
Author: ViperX420
Date Created: 05 / 31 / 2015
  • Default.zip
  • Background.png
  • Theme.xml
  • Artwork3.png
A simple update for the Super Nintendo theme simply replace your default.zip folder with the one provided to update to current theme shown.
Preview of Theme.




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