Site Rules
HyperSpin Forum Rules
I. General Forum Rules
These rules help us keep HyperSpin a fun, respectful, and welcoming community. Please avoid:
- Flaming or insulting other members.
- Posting personal information (e.g., name, address, email, phone number).
- "Bumping" threads unnecessarily.
- Taking threads off-topic.
- Sharing phishing links or spam.
- Reposting closed, modified, or deleted content.
- Posting in the wrong forum (e.g., trade requests belong in the Trading Forum).
- Arguing with moderators publicly. Instead, message them privately if you have concerns.
- Sharing accounts – your forum account is for your use only.
- Creating multiple or backup accounts.
- Sharing private messages without the sender’s consent.
II. Strictly Prohibited Topics
The following topics are not allowed under any circumstances. Violations may result in a permanent ban:
- ROM or BIOS links, uploading ROMs or BIOS, or any discussion of piracy.
- Requests or offers for torrent site invitations.
- Threats, harassment, or violence – even as a joke.
- NSFW content, including porn or anything offensive.
- Sharing copyrighted material without permission.
- Begging, soliciting, or auctioning.
- Racist or discriminatory content.
- Political, religious, or highly divisive discussions.
III. Scammers and Hard Drive Sellers
To protect our community, the following actions are prohibited:
- Asking to buy ROMs or hard drives with copyrighted material.
- Requesting paid setups of HyperSpin.
- Offering setup services or sharing hard drive seller links, eBay listings, or YouTube channels.
IV. Backseat Moderating
Let our moderators handle rule enforcement. If you notice a rule violation:
- Use the "Report Post" button (bottom right of every post).
- Avoid commenting like "+1 before lock" or calling out users.
Backseat moderating is unhelpful and unnecessary.
V. Reporting Rule Violations
See someone breaking the rules? Here's what to do:
- Click "Report Post" at the bottom right of the offending post.
- Contact a moderator directly if needed.
Your help in keeping our forums friendly and safe is greatly appreciated!
HyperSpin is a community-driven space to create, share, and enjoy gaming content. Let’s keep it awesome by following the rules and treating each other with respect!