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About iboc

  • Birthday 12/10/1980


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  1. Hi, I'm a long time lurker, first time poster. I had started building a pinball cabinet before I realized there was already standard sizes and schematics (or even full kits) available and by the time I was knee deep in cut maple plywood I realized I was going to be in trouble when it came to the lockdown bar. I saw this old thread and reached out to Jack hoping he was still around. Not only did he deliver, but WOW I couldn't be more impressed with the results. My cabinet is about 75% complete, I need to mount bezels around the playfield/backglass, install light bars, wire up solenoids, wire up LEDWIZ, print up artwork etc, etc. However I thought I'd share a few pics of the bar to let people know how high quality these custom bars are. Jack is providing a real service to the pinball community. This thing fits like a glove, it's smooth as silk, it arrived in maybe 3 weeks (to Canada), and the price was more then fair. Thank you Jack! This thing is seriously awesome!
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