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About cyberk30

  • Birthday 02/17/1974

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    San Antonio


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  1. I'm having an issue with your FPLaunch. Whenever I exit the table from hyperpin the table is still playing in the background. What am I doing wrong.
  2. I get the same error. Are you using vista? That's the OS that I am using. This is the same error that I get with his other program. I wonder if it is a vista thing.
  3. No, there still doing some final touches.
  4. I think in your last post you said you were running vista, vista doesn't have spanning capabilities. I forgot you said you were running vista.
  5. Do you have a DVI connector on your video card? If so you can do what I do, buy a dvi to hdmi converter and spanning will work. That's what I did to get it to work. Because my tv only has HDMI connector. This is in response to kingb33
  6. Great job BBB. I can't wait to try it out.
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