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About xio

  • Birthday 01/01/1975


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  1. Oups sorry, it works much better using fplaunch settings indeed Thx Blur
  2. Quoted from VPF : "u" key was taking picture of the DMD screen I changed Backglass_Monitor = Secondary to Third, then the "u" key didn"t take any screen capture. When closing HP, this setting was back to Secondary, does it need to be changed in the ahk file ?
  3. I've put it in Ahk & recompiled, but m key still does nothing. Here's Ahk keys : [FPLaunch] ; default settings, if you don't have them they will be added to your settings.ini file ; ***** don't change them here - edit your settings.ini file!!!!! ***** exitScriptKey = q & s ; kill script key exitEmulatorKey = Esc ; main exit key, can be joy key also (Joy1) hideCursor = true hideDesktop = true hideTaskbar = true toggleCursorKey = t useExitScreen = true ; show exit321 countdown on long press usePauseKey = true useLoadScreen = true ; show loading slider pauseKey = p ; former pauseVPinball key, works same as exit key fadespeed = 25 useExitAsPause = true exitEmulatorKey2 = 1 ; key for entering into menus exitEmulatorKey3 = Enter ; and another one pauseFPKey = RButton ; pause in FP m::Rbutton saveFPTables = true editTableKey = !F4 ; close table and go to vp/fp editor printScreenKey = o pfScreenNum = 1 ; playfield Screen Number (used for print screen) bgScreenNum = 2 ; backglass Screen Number (used for print screen) useExitMenu = true upKey = LShift downKey = RShift instructionsKey = i flyerKey = f hyperScale = 0.75 debugMode = false ledwiz = false hyperpinexe = hyperpin.exe
  4. I tried to do that but obviously I did not put it right. If I remember well I wrote "M::Rbutton" in the ini file, & program shifted cab button with M key. What is wrong ?
  5. Hi, I didn't understand how to make FP hiscores appear when pressing a cab button ? The FPPauseKey is RButton (configured in FP), but IPac cannot program Right mouse button to the cab button (that makes a lot of "button" in a single phrase ). I would like it to lauch Hiscores with an Ipac-shifted button : how can I do that ? (using 1.295 WIP 8) That's a small thing and I cannot post here without saying a big BRAVO to the fantastic work u've done here, all these features are great, very good looking & easy to configure, many many thx guys !
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