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Everything posted by legin

  1. have fixed the problem. I should have mentioned I have windows 8 running. This is not in a cab its my desktop PC. Its a compatability mode issue with HP. I had it set to XP SP3. I changed it to win7. Everything works ok now.
  2. I have a problem when exiting a VP table. The table exits ok and VP seems to close but HP seems to freeze. If I push ALT/Tab HP unfreezes and works OK. This has only happened since I installed the latest version of FPLaunch 1.295wip10. I am using VP 914 with 2 screens. I only use UVP backglass. I can see all the loading and exiting screens and the table plays like normal. I have checked the setting.ini file in Hyperpin to make sure the ESC key is not set to pause or exit, they are p and e. Is something maybe staying open causing HP not to respond? There seems to be nothing in task manager open.
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