Thanks, that information helped me
Yes, you need the table_Paused and table_unPaused subroutines. Also, you need "vpmInit Me" in the table_init subroutine.
Most tables already have those. Doesn't work for me, except if I hit escape
I messed a bit with fplaunch's pauseVP subroutine so it uses escape. Can you put something like this into the next version, disabled by default, perhaps with a "VPuseESCforPause" entry in settings.ini?
PauseVP: ; call pause screen or exit menu
If (Paused = 0) { ; entering pause menu
Paused = 1
[color="#FF0000"]Send {Esc}[/color]
if (useExitMenu = "true") {
Gosub ExitMenu ; draw menus
Hotkey, %UpKey%, MoveUp, On
Hotkey, %DownKey%, MoveDown, On
Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey2%, selectItem, On
Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey3%, selectItem, On
} else {
Gosub CreatePauseScreen
Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey2%, CloseVP, On
Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey3%, CloseVP, On
} Else { ; exiting pause menu
Paused = 0
if (useExitMenu = "true") {
Gosub ExitMenu ; close menus
Hotkey, %UpKey%, Off
Hotkey, %DownKey%, Off
Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey2%, Off
Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey3%, Off
} else {
Gui, Destroy
Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey2%, Off
Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey3%, Off
[color="#FF0000"];ControlSend, &Resume Game, {Enter}, ahk_class #32770
ControlClick, &Resume Game, ahk_class #32770[/color]
WinActivate, ahk_class VPPlayer,,DMD