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Sir Cheddar

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Everything posted by Sir Cheddar

  1. Added support for FarSight's Pinball Arcade. VPUniverse: link VPForums: link
  2. Added support for BAM and Future DMD to my Pinball FX2 mod. VPUniverse: link VPForums: link
  3. Zen has announced an in-game setting for portrait mode soonish. I think it's best to wait, then we can drop this Display Changer/iRotate mess Edit: Said option has been integrated a few days ago. I've updated the mod. Edit2: Updated again to v1.2
  4. I posted an mod for running Pinball FX2 over at VPForums. Blur, if anything of it is of use to you feel free to rip it out.
  5. Thanks, that information helped me Yes, you need the table_Paused and table_unPaused subroutines. Also, you need "vpmInit Me" in the table_init subroutine. Most tables already have those. Doesn't work for me, except if I hit escape I messed a bit with fplaunch's pauseVP subroutine so it uses escape. Can you put something like this into the next version, disabled by default, perhaps with a "VPuseESCforPause" entry in settings.ini? PauseVP: ; call pause screen or exit menu If (Paused = 0) { ; entering pause menu Paused = 1 [color="#FF0000"]Send {Esc}[/color] if (useExitMenu = "true") { Gosub ExitMenu ; draw menus Hotkey, %UpKey%, MoveUp, On Hotkey, %DownKey%, MoveDown, On Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey2%, selectItem, On Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey3%, selectItem, On } else { Gosub CreatePauseScreen Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey2%, CloseVP, On Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey3%, CloseVP, On } } Else { ; exiting pause menu Paused = 0 if (useExitMenu = "true") { Gosub ExitMenu ; close menus Hotkey, %UpKey%, Off Hotkey, %DownKey%, Off Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey2%, Off Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey3%, Off } else { Gui, Destroy Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey2%, Off Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey3%, Off } [color="#FF0000"];ControlSend, &Resume Game, {Enter}, ahk_class #32770 ControlClick, &Resume Game, ahk_class #32770[/color] WinActivate, ahk_class VPPlayer,,DMD } return
  6. Hi Blur, I have been using your FPLaunch mod for quite a while, thanks for making it! I have some problems with pausing VPM tables. Visual Pinball pauses just fine, however VPinMAME goes on. If I press ESC, VPinMAME and VP pause like they should. Future Pinball: Pause works without problems. Exit button is set to "e". OS is W7 x64, but I couldn't pause VPM tables on Vista 32 either. I couldn't find anything with the search function. Is that a known issue or is there anything I can test? [FPLaunch] exitScriptKey=q & s editTableKey=l exitEmulatorKey=e hideCursor=true hideDesktop=true hideTaskbar=true toggleCursorKey=t useExitScreen=true usePauseKey=true useLoadScreen=true pauseKey=p fadespeed=10 useExitAsPause=true exitEmulatorKey2=1 exitEmulatorKey3=Enter pauseFPKey=RButton saveFPTables=true editTableKey=!F4 printScreenKey=o printBGKey=u pfScreenNum=1 bgScreenNum=2 useExitMenu=true upKey=LShift downKey=RShift instructionsKey=i flyerKey=f hyperScale=0.75 debugMode=false ledwiz=false hyperpinexe=hyperpin.exe
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