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Everything posted by Jimbo6

  1. Jimbo6

    Windows 10 fix

    OMG. so I had tried the one from my windows/system32 folder and it didn't work. I just tried the file you sent and *FIXED*! Thank you FY! you RULE! And I appreicate the added explanation Dark13! --Jimbo6
  2. Jimbo6

    Windows 10 fix

    I copied the sxs.dll from my windows/system32 directory and that didnt help. I thought that there was a fix to the hyperspin.exe or something after a win10 patch. This is what I get for upgrading the OS.. lol. I'll give it a try just incase theres something wrong with my sxs.dll. Thanks for helping out, dude. --Jimbo6
  3. So I had a hard drive die on me and now I have to rebuild my arcade machine. Unfortunately, I loaded up windows 10 so now my hyperspin wont load and I'm having troubles finding the fixed files (assuming thats my issue). Does anybody out there have a link to the repaired files? Thanks. Jimbo6
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