Main Menu Wheel for the Sony Playstation
What is this new download service?
The EmuMovies Download Service Utility completely automates the installation and use of all of our artwork packs and media in the front end of your choice. This means that instead of spending months of downloading, sorting and renaming it will now only take minutes per system (plus download time). The download service utility only downloads the content to match your roms and renames the content automatically to whatever romset you have so it just works!
Feature List
•Support for over 100 different systems
•Notifies you upon startup if any sets you have previously downloaded have been updated
•Allows you to only view those sets so you can easily update your artwork and video packs
•Downloads artwork to match your roms (only what you need to save space)
•Automatic renaming (requires no user input, artwork and videos will match your roms)
•Ability to individually download sets or all at once
•Tied into the EmuMovies member system (access is immediate)
•Limited mode for basic Members (All artwork packs supported, 250MB/day limit)
•Video Snap downloads for Supporting Members
•On the fly conversion to AVI for front ends that only support AVI format.
•Plus more!
Notes:•Your login is your site login for (not your ftp login)
Compatability:•Minimum OS Requirement Win XP SP3 (Vista or Later Recommended)