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Everything posted by 4sskicker

  1. Thx for the tip brolly. For now i'm not playing these games with 2 players so i will check eSCV out. I hope i can get it to work in HS also (.ahk scripting is not my thing)
  2. I use MESS for Super Cassette Vision (i do not see that on the list) also no module is provided. Probably not a popular system, I played it much when I was younger. I have not tried other emu's (if they excist?) but this seems to do the job.
  3. djvj, sorry, point taken.
  4. Dear All, I have a newby question; I have just set-up MAME and in my old set-up (HS 1.0 final) I only used MAME but now I want more wheels, same goes for Genesis games and MegaDrive (I want to set-up 2 different wheels for those). My question is can I use the same emu/rom folders or should I copy paste and rename them? f.e. in ini file of MAME can I use the same paths (emu/roms/video) for SNK Neo Geo? I was not able to find an answer to this issue so I thought I could try it here. If you can not/will not answer it I will just try it and find out myself but I do not want to upset HS is this is not the proper way to do it. To return to the topic/discussion I feel that the emu depends on the user, new users could/should use the most common emu but old users (like myself) who have run emu's before using HS maybe do not want to switch (I'm old and do not like change) and stick to the emu they are familliar with. fe for NES I use Nestopia and SNES Zsnesw because i have done so for years. Some systems I am setting up for the first time and use the most popular/common. Dreamcast/Naomi/Atomiswave i have a hard time with and whatever emu I can get to work first I will use
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