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About MoBlack369

  • Birthday 06/19/1970

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  • HyperNewbie

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Newbie (1/14)

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  1. 12yr old "Newbie". Built a working rig back in 2013-14 with my X-Arcade pre-Tank-Stick double controller only to have my external drive fall off a desk and stop working shortly after. By the time I got around to trying to rebuild from scratch, I forgot what I did the first time. Excited to dust off my controller and get back to it, I was saddened to find the site down. A few years ago I heard that it was back up, but by the time I went to check it was down again. I attempted again back in 2023 and missed the window again, but was given a ray of hope with a message of a potential return. Last year I started again and was excited to see the site back up; but, when I found that it was just a shell still in progress, I knew that if I patiently waited something new and big might be on the horizon. Today I sat down at my computer, dusted off my new drive, and signed on to the site. To my surprise, there was an announcement video for a new version of what I think is the greatest front end around. Even when I had no access, I did not even think of going to the other front ends, because I truly enjoyed the artistic originality and community contributions of HyperSpin. Thank you for coming back and thank you for your time and patience in providing a new and improved version of an already great product. I look forward to exploring your program.
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