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Everything posted by streetmedic

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Here are a set of game and bios moving scripts to sort out your games for what belong where if like me you have a mixed up directory of files. It will take the files and make a new directory with the files that belong in bios folder it makes . Its a fast way to get rid of unnessary files that take up space where they dont need to be.. put the bat file of the coresponding name into the directory that needs sorting. Run the file and bingo it sorts the game and bios files for you
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Another Set to match the Blue again this is a thanx to Hursty_Round_Wheels pack .
  3. Version 1.0.0


    A set of Main Menu Wheels. The graphics came from Round_Hursty_Chrome_System_Wheels pack. So props to his fine work.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Just wanted to upload another Main Menu Wheel set The contents are as follows with original. Also contains the small variances . 2 Player LOGO.png 4 Player LOGO.png AAE.png Acorn Archimedes.png Acorn Atom (2).png Acorn Atom copy.png Acorn Atom.png Acorn BBC Micro.png Acorn Electron.png Action & Adventure LOGO.png Actionmax.png Adventurevision.png Alf TV Game RU.png Alf TV Game.png All Games LOGO.png American Laser Games (2).png American Laser Games.png Amstrad CPC.png Amstrad GX4000.png Android (2).png Android (3).png Android (Icon 2).png Android (Icon).png Android.png Another Arcade Emulator.png APF Imagination Machine.png APF MP-1000 (2).png APF MP-1000 (3).png APF MP-1000.png APF.png Apogee BK-01.png Apogee BK-01u.png Apple Bandai Pippin.png Apple II (2).png Apple II (3).png Apple II (4).png Apple II GS.png Apple II.png Applications.png Aquarius.png Arcade Classics 4 Player.png ArcadePC.png Arcades.png Arcadia 2001.png Astrocade.png Atari 2600.png Atari 5200.png Atari 7800.png Atari 8-Bit.png Atari Classics.png Atari Jaguar CD.png Atari Jaguar.png Atari Lynx (2).png Atari Lynx.png Atari Pong.png Atari ST (2).png Atari ST.png Atari XEGS.png Bally Astrocade.png Bandai Playdia.png Bandai Super Vision 8000.png Bandai SwanCrystal.png Bandai WonderSwan Color (2).png Bandai WonderSwan Color.png Bandai WonderSwan.png Beat 'Em Up LOGO.png Bemani.png Bitcorp Gamate (2).png Bitcorp Gamate.png Board & Card LOGO.png Capcom Classics.png Capcom Play System (2).png Capcom Play System II (2).png Capcom Play System II.png Capcom Play System III (2).png Capcom Play System III.png Capcom Play System.png Casio Loopy.png Casio PV-2000 (2).png Casio PV-2000.png Cave (2).png Cave.png Channel F.png Chillout LOGO.png Classics LOGO.png Coleco ADAM.png Coleco Telstar Arcade.png ColecoVision (2).png Colecovision alt.png ColecoVision.png Commodore 128.png Commodore 16 (2).png Commodore 16 Plus 4 (2).png Commodore 16 Plus 4.png Commodore 16.png Commodore 64 (2).png Commodore 64 (3).png Commodore 64 Game System.png Commodore 64.png Commodore Amiga (2).png Commodore Amiga (3).png Commodore Amiga (4).png Commodore Amiga CD.png Commodore Amiga CD32.png Commodore Amiga icon.png Commodore Amiga.png Commodore C64GS.png Commodore CDTV (3).png Commodore CDTV.png Commodore Max Machine (2).png Commodore Max Machine (3).png Commodore MAX Machine (4).png Commodore Max Machine.png Commodore PET Plus.png Commodore PET.png Commodore VIC-20 (2).png Commodore VIC-20.png Creativision.png Creatronic Mega Duck.png Daphne.png Data East Classics.png Data Ltd Dragon.png DICE.png Dragon Data Dragon.png Emerson Arcadia 2001.png Entex Adventure Vision.png Epoch Game Pocket Computer (2).png Epoch Game Pocket Computer.png Examu EX Board (2).png Examu EX Board.png Exidy Sorcerer.png Fairchild Channel F (2).png Fairchild Channel F.png Famicom Disk System.png FightCade.png Fighting Games1.png Fighting LOGO.png filelist.bat fileslist.txt Final Burn Alpha.png Flying Games LOGO.png Fujitsu FM Towns (2).png Fujitsu FM Towns II UR.png Fujitsu FM Towns II.png Fujitsu FM Towns Marty.png Fujitsu FM Towns.png Fujitsu FM V-Towns.png Funtech Acan.png Funtech Super Acan.png Future Pinball.png Gameboy Advance.png Gameboy Color.png Gameboy.png GamePark GP32 (Icon).png GamePark GP32.png GCE Vectrex (2).png GCE Vectrex (3).png GCE Vectrex (4).png GCE Vectrex.png Genres Short LOGO.png GX4000.png Hartung Game Master.png HBmame (2).png HBMame.png Horror LOGO.png Hyper Neo Geo 64.png Hypermamuv1.png IGS Polygame Master alt.png Inertion VC 4000 (2).png Inertion VC 4000.png info.txt Intellivision.png Irem Classics.png JungleTac Sport Vii.png Jupiter ACE.png Kaneko.png Konami Classics (2).png Konami Classics.png Konami e-AMUSEMENT (2).png Konami e-AMUSEMENT.png Konami eAmusement.png Konami.png Konix Multi-System.png Lightgun LOGO.png list.txt Magnavox Odyssey 2.png Magnavox Odyssey.png MAME.png Matra & Hachette Alice.png Matra et Hachette Alice.png Mattel Aquarius.png Mattel Electronics IntelliVision.png Mattel Hyperscan.png Mattel Juice Box.png MGT SAM Coupe.png MicroBee alt.png Microbee.png Micronique Hector HRX.png Microsoft MS-DOS (2).png Microsoft MS-DOS (3).png Microsoft MS-DOS (4).png Microsoft MS-DOS.png Microsoft MSX 2+.png Microsoft MSX 2.png Microsoft MSX Turbo R.png Microsoft MSX.png Microsoft Xbox (2).png Microsoft Xbox (3).png Microsoft Xbox 360 (2).png Microsoft Xbox 360.png Microsoft Xbox One (2).png Microsoft Xbox One (3).png Microsoft Xbox One Icon.png Microsoft Xbox One.png Microsoft Xbox.png Midway Classics.png Mikrosha.png Milton Bradley Microvision.png Misc. Systems (1).png Misc. Systems.png Mortal Kombat Kollection.png Motor LOGO.png Movie & TV Games LOGO 2.png Movie & TV Games LOGO.png Movie Games LOGO.png Movie LOGO.png Movies.png Mugen.png Mugen1.png Nabu Home Computer Network.png Namco Classics.png NEC CD-Rom System.png NEC PC Engine (2).png NEC PC Engine (3).png NEC PC Engine GT.png NEC PC Engine.png NEC PC-FX.png NEC Super CD-Rom.png NEC SuperGrafx.png NEC TurboExpress.png NEC TurboGrafx (2).png NEC TurboGrafx-16 (2).png NEC TurboGrafx-16 (3).png NEC TurboGrafx-16 (4).png NEC TurboGrafx-16.png NEC TurboGrafx-CD.png NEC TurboGrafx.png Neo Geo AES.png Neo Geo CD.png Neo Geo MVS.png Neo Geo Pocket Color.png Neo Geo Pocket.png Neo Geo.png Nintendo 3DS (2).png Nintendo 3DS.png Nintendo 64 DD (2).png Nintendo 64 DD.png Nintendo 64.png Nintendo Arcade Systems.png Nintendo Classics (2).png Nintendo Classics.png Nintendo Color TV Game.png Nintendo DS Lite.png Nintendo DS XL.png Nintendo DS.png Nintendo Entertainment System (2).png Nintendo Entertainment System.png Nintendo Famicom (2).png Nintendo Famicom (3).png Nintendo Famicom Disk System (2).png Nintendo Famicom Disk System (3).png Nintendo Famicom Disk System.png Nintendo Famicom.png Nintendo Game & Watch (2).png Nintendo Game & Watch.png Nintendo Game Boy (2).png Nintendo Game Boy 2.png Nintendo Game Boy Advance 2.png Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP.png Nintendo Game Boy Advance.png Nintendo Game Boy Color (2).png Nintendo Game Boy Color.png Nintendo Game Boy Micro.png Nintendo Game Boy.png Nintendo Gameboy Light.png Nintendo Gameboy Pocket.png Nintendo Gamecube (2).png Nintendo Gamecube (3).png Nintendo Gamecube (4).png Nintendo Gamecube (5).png Nintendo Gamecube (6).png Nintendo Gamecube (Icon 2).png Nintendo Gamecube (Icon).png Nintendo GameCube alt.png Nintendo Gamecube.png Nintendo iQue.png Nintendo Official Seal.png Nintendo Playchoice-10.png Nintendo Pokemo Mini (2).png Nintendo Pokemo Mini.png Nintendo Pokemon Mini.png Nintendo Satellaview.png Nintendo SNES (2).png Nintendo SNES.png Nintendo Super Famicom (2).png Nintendo Super Famicom.png Nintendo Super Game Boy.png Nintendo Super Gameboy.png Nintendo Ultra 64.png Nintendo Virtual Boy (2).png Nintendo Virtual Boy (3).png Nintendo Virtual Boy.png Nintendo VS System (2).png Nintendo VS System (3).png Nintendo VS System.png Nintendo Wii-U.png Nintendo Wii.png Nintendo WiiWare (2).png Nintendo WiiWare.png Othello Multivision (2).png Othello Multivision.png Panasonic 3DO.png Partner.png PC Engine.png PC Games.png PCFX.png Pecom 64.png Philips CD-i.png Philips Tele-Spiel.png Philips VG 5000.png Philips Videopac Plus G7400 (2).png Philips Videopac Plus G7400 (3).png Philips Videopac Plus G7400.png Pioneer Palcom Laserdisk (2).png Pioneer Palcom Laserdisk.png Platform LOGO.png png Point & Click LOGO.png Pop Cap.png Puzzle LOGO.png Racing LOGO.png Radio-86RK Mikrosha.png RCA Studio II.png Rhythm Games LOGO.png Role-Playing LOGO.png Run & Gun LOGO.png Sammy Atomiswave (2).png Sammy Atomiswave.png Sanyo Ordinateur Individuel PHC-25.png Sci-Fi. Logo.png Sega 32X Japan.png Sega 32X PAL.png Sega 32X.png Sega CD (2).png Sega CD (3).png Sega CD.png Sega Chihiro.png SEGA Classics (2).png SEGA Classics.png Sega Dreamcast PAL.png Sega Dreamcast.png Sega Game Gear EU (2).png Sega Game Gear EU.png Sega Game Gear US JP (2).png Sega Game Gear US JP.png Sega Game Gear.png Sega Genesis (2).png Sega Genesis (3).png Sega Genesis (4).png Sega Genesis (5).png Sega Genesis (6).png Sega Genesis 32X.png Sega Genesis CD-X.png Sega Genesis.png Sega Hikaru (2).png Sega Hikaru.png Sega Lindberg Red EX.png SEGA Lindbergh.png Sega Mark III (2).png Sega Mark III.png Sega Master System II.png Sega Master System.png Sega Mega Drive (2).png Sega Mega Drive II.png Sega Mega Drive.png Sega Mega JP (2).png Sega Mega JP (3).png Sega Mega JP.png Sega Mega-CD (2).png Sega Mega-CD.png Sega Megadrive 32X.png Sega Model 2 AM2.png Sega Model 2.png Sega Model 3.png Sega Naomi (2).png Sega Naomi.png Sega Nu 2.png Sega Nu.png Sega Pico (2).png Sega Pico JP.png Sega Pico SK.png Sega Pico Storyware.png Sega Pico.png Sega RingEdge (2).png Sega RingEdge.png Sega RingWide (2).png Sega RingWide.png Sega Saturn (2).png Sega Saturn.png Sega SG-1000 (2).png Sega SG-1000.png Sega SG1000.png Sega ST-V (2).png Sega ST-V (3).png Sega ST-V.png Sega Triforce (2).png Sega Triforce.png Sega VMU.png Sharp MZ-2500.png Sharp X1.png Sharp X68000.png Shoot 'Em Ups LOGO.png Shooter Games LOGO.png SHOTGUN GAMES.png Simulation LOGO.png Sinclair ZX Spectrum.png Sinclair ZX Spectrum1.png SNK Classics (2).png SNK Classics.png SNK Neo Geo AES (2).png SNK Neo Geo AES.png SNK Neo Geo CD (2).png SNK Neo Geo CD.png SNK Neo Geo Pocket (Icon).png SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color.png SNK Neo Geo Pocket.png SNK Neo Geo X.png Sony Playstation (Icon 2).png Sony Playstation (Icon).png Sony Playstation 2 (2).png Sony Playstation 2 (3).png Sony Playstation 2 (Icon).png Sony Playstation 2.png Sony Playstation 3 (2).png Sony Playstation 3.png Sony Playstation 4.png Sony Playstation PAL (Icon).png Sony Playstation.png Sony Pocket Station.png Sony PS Vita (2).png Sony PS Vita.png Sony PSP Go.png Sony PSP Minis.png Sony PSP.png Sord M5.png Spectravideo.png Sports LOGO.png Star Wars - EBC.png Steam.png Strategy LOGO.png Super Cassette Vision (2).png Super Cassette Vision.png Super Nintendo Entertainment System.png SuperGrafx.png Supervision.png Taito Classics (2).png Taito Classics.png Taito Nesica.png Taito Type X.png Taito Type X2.png Taito Type X3.png Taito Type X7.png Taito Type Xzero.png Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer 3.png Tangerine Oric.png Technos Classics.png Texas Instruments TI 99-4A.png Tiger Game.com.png Tiger Gizmodo.png TimeTop Game King 2 (2).png TimeTop Game King 2.png TimeTop Game King 3.png TimeTop Game King.png Toaplan.png Trackball Games.png TurboGrafx 16.png TurboGrafx CD.png V-Tech Creativision.png Virtual Boy.png Visco.png visual pinball.png VM Labs Nuon.png VTech CreatiVision.png VTech CreatiVision1.png Vtech Socrates.png Watara Supervision 1.png Watara Supervision 2.png Watara Supervision 3.png Watara Supervision 4.png Watara Supervision.png Williams Classics.png Wonderswan Color.png Wonderswan Mono.png WoW Action Max (2).png WoW Action Max.png Yeno Super Cassette Vision.png Zanussi Ping-o-tronic.png ZAPiT Game Wave.png Zinc.png
  5. sorry i had to translate your text but yes it will scan all files in a directory that you choose as root and by replacing test in 2 spots it will automatically chanfge the first to second @echo on # CD %~dp0 for %%x in (ini ahk cfg xml ink lnk) do ( set extension=%%x call:reemplazar ) goto:fin :reemplazar for /r %%a in (*.%extension%) do ( fart -i "%%a" "C:\HyperSpin\" "H:\Hyperspin\" ) goto:eof :fin _______________________________________________ (ini ahk cfg xml ink lnk) the above is what it currently scans and will edit the file types .ini ,ahk .cfg .xml.ink .lnk red = from or what you dont want blue = to new the red text being what you dont want any more to be Blue is the new path or name or what ever.. put in the root directory of a folder such as Hyperspin and it scan all files in that directory
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Just thought i would add another wheel set to the mix for everyone to have. Included is the master Image Template (2).rar
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Here is a wheel pack for main menu . It may or may not suit your needs but i thought id post it for kicks
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Main Menu Wheel Set 390 files
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Streetmedic Blue Main Menu wheel set with a blue back round and silver bezel 200.x81 source image included
  10. Version 1.0.0


    dir /a /b /-p /o:gen >C:\WINDOWS\Temp\file_list.txt start notepad C:\WINDOWS\Temp\file_list.txt
  11. you can run on any file or folder on a pc make sure its in the base directory in which you need to be at.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This will change any folder or text string that you want just edit at the end of the script what you want . So if your hyperspin contains a folder called Emulateur and you want that folder renamed add Emulator in the second example .. @echo on # CD %~dp0 for %%x in (ini ahk cfg xml ink lnk) do ( set extension=%%x call:reemplazar ) goto:fin :reemplazar for /r %%a in (*.%extension%) do ( fart -i "%%a" "Emulator" "Emulateur" ) goto:eof :fin
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Sorry this is a big upload well over 5692 images for MAME Wheels I have included the master file for those that want it.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Second MAME wheel Pack of 5 sets I am uploading The wheels total about 3000 images total
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Had some free time and put together a few mame wheel packs 5 sets Total look for other themes in forums
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Same Stuff Sorted by Consoles, Micro Consoles,Handheld and Home Systems. Source media included
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Here is another set i put together its Sorted by Console type. Arcade, Micro Computers,Handheld and Home Consoles. Master file included if you want to make your own
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Todays second Installment Pink Sunburst By Stretmedic This Main Menu set is a pink Sunburst organized by Hand Held, Home Consoles, Micro Consoles, Arcade. These are about 370 or so logos..
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Here is todays Installment of Pop Tart Green Ive Come across a few new menu Logos today These are broke down by Arcade, Handheld, Micro Console, Home Consoles. Alot of logos set to a Rero Style Theme.
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Ok another from my posted back rounds post from earlier this week i cant upload a gig in files at one time so i posted all my graphic sources as one file and currently making main menu wheel packs for the community. msg me if you like the files for the source images its over 2000 source images.. and add your own logos to suit your games wheels
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Pink Logo Pack
  22. Version 1.0.0


    I wanted to post a few of the logos i have created, Its about 280 Game logos I have a few different themes i have made
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