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Everything posted by tdspin

  1. I'm trying to filter my MAME wheel in Hyperhq like I have done with my other systems, to show only the games I have but for someone reason it's not working for MAME. When I check Roms Only and try to go to the wheel in Hyperspin, there's no games. Is there something different you have to do for MAME? When there's no filter, everything shows and the ROMs I do have, work fine. Thanks.
  2. I found another thread that answered my question. Just edit your \Hyperspin\Databases\Main Menu.xml file to remove replica.
  3. I added Sega Dreamcast to my HS setup using RocketLauncher and now in Hyperspin, it is showing up twice but there's only one instance of it in RockLauncher. How can I get rid of the duplicate? Thank you.
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