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Everything posted by tron38

  1. Ahh, I'll check the SWF files. I know I have some. I thought I read it was mainly a FLV problem. Thanks.
  2. This is the same problem as mentioned in this older thread: Some people like to leave their cabinets running forever. HyperSpin's attract mode is cool to watch. I've had 7 cabinets running for weeks trying to solve this problem. I have a Scheduled task at 3am to reboot and sometimes the White Screen lockup with the exclamation in a circle still happens. I have all MP4 videos. I deleted every FLV I could find on the hard drive. I considered HyperRefresh, but I think that may close while someone is playing it, right? My Scheduled Task at 3am does the same thing. What I did do that seems to have mitigated the problem, is I have a PowerShell script that runs as a Scheduled Task hourly that looks at Log.txt for changes. If there are changes, it is in use or was recently. If it hasn't changed in 4 hours, I will close and reopen HyperSpin. I'm sending an ALT+F4. If you send a Taskkill it does weird things to Explorer.exe, like the Taskbar goes missing. Change the 240 if you want it shorter or longer. The script: $Logfile = 'C:\HyperSpin\log.txt' $LogTime = (Get-Item $logfile).LastWriteTime $CurrentTime = (Get-Date) $diff = $CurrentTime - $LogTime $diff.TotalMinutes If (($diff.TotalMinutes) -gt 240) { $wshell = New-Object -ComObject wscript.shell; $wshell.AppActivate('HyperSpin') Sleep 1 $wshell.SendKeys('%{F4}') Sleep 10 C:\HyperSpin\HyperSpin.exe (get-date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy.HH:mm:ss") | Out-File -Append LastHSclose.txt }
  3. For me, I made a wheel item called 1-Controls, which makes it the 1st wheel item. Then I created a theme called 1-Controls.zip that had the image below embedded. I did a slide like that for each system.
  4. Great advice. It didn't seem to help for the 5200 but it led me to taking a closer look at my settings. I clicked use System Default artwork in HyperHQ and that did the trick. Thanks for your help.
  5. Hi. I've been using HyperSpin for a long time, but I can't figure out what this popup Game Menu frame is for or how to remove it. It comes up on some systems, but I can't say it come up on all of them. Any idea? Thanks.
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