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Everything posted by kingb33

  1. Version 20080903


    Kangaroo - kangaroo (MAME) Video Snap available at EmuMovies
  2. Hey Dutchman...let me try to find the post...it was from a guy in the 3D Arcade forums a couple years ago...ive been using this powerpoint show technique ever since. It requires MS PowerPoint and coule of other freeware programs as well. But with HyperPin it will be unnecessary do have to do all this. The process i use is a little cubersome but at the time was really worth it. All the back glasses are on my PC they aren't down-loadable anywhere..
  3. hmm....well actually both my cables are DVI to HDMI. Graphics cards are usually DVI and monitors are usually HDMI. I have GTX 260. Hmm not sure what u mean then? I definitely don't have spanning available anymore though the Nvidia control panel...only dual view. thx
  4. no way are u serious?? haha i didnt know that...omg awesome! You guys really went all out on this....i really cant wait to see this thing in action....will i be able to use some of my own backglass images? i have some really nice ones with that nightime lit up effect. Thanks for all your hard work guys, for real.
  5. Bill, I have a kinda confusing question. To my understanding VP 9 is the only version what allows you to play the tables 16x9 full screen that can be used with pinball cabs. I too cannot get the spanning to work correctly at all with my current setup for VP9 16x9 tables.. If you use HDMI cables to connect form your video card to your monitor you cannot use the spanning option. It's actually not available as an option with HDMI cables. Only with VGA you can get that from what I've been told. (not sure if it's a VISTA thing too in conjunction) With my current VP8 setup it sounds like im doing the same thing as you in some capacity. Im using a script to to launch a static power point show backglass for each pinball table. I want to use Hyperpin to launch VP 9 16x9 tables but if i cant use the spanning option that it requires, so can I use VP9 and just disable the backglass that comes included in the vp9 table file and just transfer my current vp8 script to the VP9 table to launch my static power point show backglass instead? Then i can use the vp9 16x9 tables filling the entire screen for a cab in conjunction with my static background glasses. Is it possible? Or is there a another way to do this totally that i'm completely unaware of? or too dumb to figure out... I hope thats not too confusing? haha... Thanks
  6. awesome BBB....man i cant wait seriously. I'm anxious to see the VP9 setup. that has been a nightmarish frustration for a lot of people.... its cool that they added 16x9 back glass support for a 2nd monitor in VP9 but if its too hard to setup the it kind of kills it all. like i said i tried it for a couple days to setup it up but was way too hard. and you have to mess with quirky resolutions too much thx for all your hard work man... i wish they would convert Scapino's Cirqus Voltaire and Twilight Zone to 16x9!!!!
  7. any new ETA on this? I'm dying to use it and see it....i actually have always been more addicted to pinball emulation even more so than MAME emulation. It will support VP 9 right? Someone said that it would... VP9 was so hard to setup it drove me nuts and i gave up. It's very confusing to get it working just right with the 16x9 tables and the backglass on the 2nd monitor.
  8. AWESOME Bill...i've been using/playing FP since it first came out. Will be nice to have a nice FE for it with Dual Monitor support. I wish HS had dual monitor support too for marquees!
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