I have a kinda confusing question. To my understanding VP 9 is the only version what allows you to play the tables 16x9 full screen that can be used with pinball cabs. I too cannot get the spanning to work correctly at all with my current setup for VP9 16x9 tables.. If you use HDMI cables to connect form your video card to your monitor you cannot use the spanning option. It's actually not available as an option with HDMI cables. Only with VGA you can get that from what I've been told. (not sure if it's a VISTA thing too in conjunction)
With my current VP8 setup it sounds like im doing the same thing as you in some capacity. Im using a script to to launch a static power point show backglass for each pinball table. I want to use Hyperpin to launch VP 9 16x9 tables but if i cant use the spanning option that it requires, so can I use VP9 and just disable the backglass that comes included in the vp9 table file and just transfer my current vp8 script to the VP9 table to launch my static power point show backglass instead? Then i can use the vp9 16x9 tables filling the entire screen for a cab in conjunction with my static background glasses. Is it possible? Or is there a another way to do this totally that i'm completely unaware of? or too dumb to figure out...
I hope thats not too confusing? haha...