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About ZombieSlinger

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    Gaming / Fishing / Guitar / 3D Printing / CNC

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  1. I completely closed out of the HyperHQ application by closing it from the hidden system tray and I am not stuck at the Emumovies login screen anymore. I still can't link Emumovies, but I can access the HyperHQ application at least.
  2. It seems like an Emumovies website issue, but I just uninstalled my old HyperHQ version and fresh installed 2.0.54. The initial setup to add the Emumovies account is failing credentials and the Emumovies site appears to be hard down. I don't see an option to skip the Emumovies login, so I am just stuck on that page.
  3. l ran into this issue as well. I tried completely removing the system and deleting all of the media. When I re-imported the system, I had the same issue, but the ROMs that it found media for did not match the first attempt.
  4. While playing Super Metroid, my xbox controller is controlling the game and Hyperspin at the same time. While I am in the game, I can hear Hyperspin being controlled at the same time. If I press the X button on the controller, it will launch another game in from Hyperspin.
  5. I randomly decided to check the Hyperspin site today to see if anything had changed... I am super excited to check out the beta!!!
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