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Everything posted by jayfrost

  1. Hello All, I wanted to just add a little to this thread. I contacted Jack in late November and wanted to get a 3/4 completed cab. I wanted to build the computer, install some monitors and do no wood work. I built my original mame cab from scratch, but I also lived in a big home with an empty garage. Now that I live in a town home with a wife my options are limited. Jack proposed some pricing that was along the line I was looking for and we agreed on final terms. I ended up selecting his wide body 3 monitor build. I built the computer and got everything running. When the cabinet arrived, it was packed perfectly. There was not a single fingerprint on it. His detailed step by step directions made the process so simple. With the help of a friend, we went from empty cab to fully running pin in under two hours. Now I feel that I cheated the process because I didnt spend hours upon hours searching for parts, refinishing old parts, cutting and measuring, and all the fun stuff that I did for my mame machine, but OMG the finished product is awesome. My and the family love it!!! We have been spoiled with the selection of games, the quality of play and beauty of the machine. I actually moved my Addams Family pinball that I spent two years restoring so that I could place the "SuperPin" next to the Mame machine. Jack was awesome. He always kept us informed of the status, helped answer some technical questions and even followed up with some special extras at the end. I totally recommend him and his products. I know this may not be the proper forum for this, but it just needed to be said!
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