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    Wheeling, IL

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  1. Hello everyone, For some I think my old profile got deleted. So I had to create a new one. I am looking for a friend of mine that I kept in touch here but I can't remember his profile name. He used to have one the the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as an Avatar. He has helped out a lot of people get started on making their own Hyperspin. I know he has a very good reputation on here for helping people and made some Hyperspin tutorials as well... If anyone knows this person I speak, or if he contacts me.... Please message me.... I really didn't want to start another profile, but I was left with no choice.... Thank you all.... This site always kicks ass.... Whoever runs this site, I hope I did okay with making a new one.... If I can get my other profile back that's cool... if not no biggie... Take care everyone... Chicago Jay
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