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  1. I have a CPU that has windows 7 ultimate on it. 3gz, 4GB ram and 500mb. literally nothing else on it as in files. so i installed, winrar, framework .net version4, 7 zip, direct x 11. same software i have in my current running hyperspin cpu with windows 7 ultimate. after turning off firewall and changing drive letter to H, i clicked the HS shorcut and went right in. i scroll on my wheel through all the systems BUT,,now my problem is when i click on any system, instead of entering it take me right back to wheel and always lands on mame. so i try entering mame and it loops again back to wheel and on mame. Any idea what that could be?
  2. I recently bought a mini elitedesk 800 g3 pc to run my external 1TB Hyperspin version 1.3.2. I downloaded all the files such as direct x, winrar, 7 zip. I turned off my firewall. This pc has windows 10 so i added the patch as well for windows 10 and still nothing. I have it running great on my other pc thats a windows 7 ultimate and ive cross referenced all the folders and they match. I used to have this problem launching the exe for hyperspin and hyper hq on the other PC, but it was firewall issue that corrected it. Im at a loss now, and i click on the hyperspin exe and it hyper hq and it spins for 2 sec and nothing pops up? any recommendations? im new to this community by the way and hope this isnt a stupid question. Much appreciated any help i can get
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