I am new to the forum, new to hyperspin setup, but not to new to computers. I have had this mame full height console when it was originally run on windows98 and a large tube monitor. I wish I could remember when I bought this system. In 2018 I needed to replace the pc. I bought a new system with hyperspin loaded. For the most part it was plug and play. I replaced the monitor, and I believe the trackball and controller. It has worked up until this month. The track ball works fine, I can play centipede. The joystick only goes down and left. The 1 player or coin button doesn't work. If I load, say 1941, with the keyboard I can move about with the arrow keys, or the joystick down and left, and shoot with the shoot buttons. I don't know how it got this way. For the most part I am the only user - kids have all moved out... Sometime after covid I moved the console to my office and played much more frequently.
I am not sure where to start troubleshooting?