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About enoon611

  • Birthday June 11

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  1. I got an arcade cabinet awhile back that has an XP PC in it running hyperspin. I am wanting to migrate the games to a fresh install on an older alienware desktop running win10. I am new to arcade, although I do have some experience with retropie. I'm pretty sure I found the roms in hyperspin (C:\hyperspin\Emulators). I also found some roms in C:\Maximus Arcade\Emulators. Is there anywhere else I should look for roms? Also, it currently uses a Ultimarc ipac four for the joysticks and buttons. Is the mapping for that programmed in the board or is it setup in the software somewhere? If it's in the software, where is the mapping located so I can move it as well without having to remap all the controls? I appreciate the assistance.
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