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About mamiac65

  • Birthday 02/24/1965


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  1. Does anyone know if there is (or will be) any details to build or buy hardware that will sense/send shaking signal to the table for response. I hope this is not to premature a question. Also if this is more appropriate for the FP forum please let me know. Thank you Mamiac
  2. Everyone should be lining up on ebay to buy dead pins for the cabinets. Look for these prices to start jumping. I absolutely love the idea of this project!!! I have a couple of pins now but would sacrifice the machine for HYPERPIN but will definately start looking for a project machine. I can' wait to see the specs for this. I am continually amazed at what this project is doing for the emulation community and emulation fever. BTW - I heard you guy were up for an oscar for best Emulation frontend!!! (If there was such a category - you would definatly WIN!!!!) Thanks to everyone involved for all of their continued contributions. Mamaic
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