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Everything posted by acidblue0

  1. Talked with the guy with xpin. It's not working cause its setup up for a real pinball and not a 5v. I'm gonna send the display back so he can make the mod for a vp setup. Feel alot better
  2. Where do I plugged the power up to the display? Is the power header a special connection? The pindmd is fine. I thought the display was powered by the Pindmd. I didn't research how to power up the dmd
  3. Nothing shows up on the dmd. I though the dmd gets power from the usb? Ribbon is snug
  4. When I goto device manager it shows pindmd2 as device
  5. I got my pindmd and xpin display in. I wanted to just test the display to make sure its working before I start anything. Installed the driver for the pindmd and plugged the display up to it. The display has a green light on the back. When I hit the test button it does nothing.
  6. Ahh thanks
  7. Got mine in today. Came in fast. How do I setup FP to work with it?
  8. Wow. I got lucky
  9. Works for me
  10. I didn't know the pindmd v2 were shipping out. I thought it would be sometime in march. I ordered one on virtualpin.net and looks to be in stock
  11. PM sent. Thanks
  12. I can wait 2 months for it. I'm seeing this project getting expensive very quick. So two months will be ok.
  13. Well I wasn't gonna go with a dmd but how easy it will make doing my backbox I'm doing it. I bought the xpin green\yellow dmd. So all I need is pinDMD 2 to run it?
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