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Everything posted by me-mike

  1. Thanks for the latest release, and the updated instructions for us nanotech/pinball wizard folks. I'll download the new version tomorrow and let you know if I encounter any issues. Thanks for all of your help in the past, it was greatly appreciated Blur!
  2. Oh, duh. Okay, that works well. I'm now able to pause my cabinet for VP hitting Joy8, then exit it hitting my start button when the screen is paused. That works fine now. Thanks for not giving up on me Blur! Now I'm seeing that if I exit a FP game and then try to spin the HP wheel too soon after, that it freezes. If I wait a couple of seconds, everything is fine. I believe I read that through here, so I'll go back and find it. Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it!
  3. A - VP exits after about 3 seconds of holding the Joy8 button. When it exits, VP completely exits (dies?), and all I'm left with is the UVP and DMD. I'm running Vista (ick) Home Premium SP2. I was too cheap to upgrade it to 7, and too lazy to pull out my old XP Pro CD and reimage the box. Now I've got too many tables configured to want to start all over again. From HP, if I tap the exit button, then press 1 or Enter, the game does exit cleanly. However, all I have is the "joystick" keys, so that doesn't help much, but maybe helps explain what's happening to you. I tried messing with the fadesleep values. I tried 1, 5, 10, 25, 35, 100, and didn't see any difference. I've seen many others say they're happy with the ipac controller. Should I just bite the bullet and drop the $40 and get a controller and map my buttons with it? With as many hours as I've spent on this, maybe dropping $40 is the easy way out. I'd still use the nanotech controller for tilting and plunger control, but would I avoid these issues by using the ipac for my buttons? MikeN
  4. I have the same problem as gwjrabbit in post #275. When I exit VP with FPLaunch v1.295, my DMD and UltraVP don't exit properly when mapping exitEmulatorKey to Joy8 or E in the Settings.ini file. This worked properly in v1.20. I have bring up a task bar, and kill the processes off. I get the same behavior in either HyperPin or directly in VP. I'm running VP v9.1.2, UltraVP 6.0.8, and FPLaunch v1.295 with a nanotech controller/plunger. Any ideas?
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