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Everything posted by jukedock

  1. Funny you should mention that - if you are a retailer in the UK and you sell a TV that is capable of receiving TV programs - you have to inform the TV licensing people!!! Like the other guys said - licensing is a nightmare - but it would be nice to see it running some VP games without stutter - just to prove its fully VP friendly!
  2. Great value in my opinion. You could probably put the VP tables in, and just leave out the roms!
  3. From original thread: These are some images and video of progress. The person I am working with will be offering a turn key solution minus the tables. This is a protoype box right now but I will keep you all up to date on the progress as things will be moving quickly now. If anyone is interested in buying one you can pm with your you contact information. It looks like $3,995-4495 is the street price. Which will include 2.7 ghz computer with win xp/GTX 250 1GB Nivida card, 42" professsional Presntation LCD, and 22" Backbox. It will be made from plywood and all wood cuts will be done on CNC machine to ensure a precise professional product. He could also have problems with the cabinet art - dont know if they will chase him up - I know Wayne at Bally will if he is using Bally/Williams eprom files. Looks a great cab. Should I dare ask!!!??? IS IT STUTTER FREE ? Saying that - with all the work done - I think $4500 is a great price
  4. Erm, I would say this is actually illegal ! As you dont own the ROMs or copywrite for any of the images, logos, music etc. Im sure Wayne from Bally (Australia) and Gary Stern would soon put a cease to exist order on you, and I know Gottleib used to pull anyone hosting their rom files. I was told that the 'Ultrapin' had a big license payment, and it didnt really have any 'theme' games like Twilight Zone, Addams etc.... I think if I was you - keep to selling the cabs, you may hit a lot of problems.
  5. The way the legs fit to the body of a pinball. Equal pressure is put on the front and side when its mitred - making the cab 'stay together' If it was not mitred it would be weaker. The way 'real' pinballs get abused whilst on the legs - Ive amazed ive never seen one split. Its the best construction. If not mitred - it should be dovetail jointed.
  6. Well if any other members want one in the UK - let me know and I will about getting them all over on a pallet!
  7. Excellent idea. Be a great help to a lot of people who do not have the time/resources to make a cabinet. Shame you are not in the UK or I would order one!!! ) But I feel P&P to the UK would be rather expensive.
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