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About spanner

  • Birthday 01/31/1971


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  1. I have noticed that if you click on the tab controls and press set a key,the key number is not there so when you click apply it saves it and there is no key for that key now.. I bet this is known about already or is it just doing it to me..? Pic so you know what i am taking about..
  2. what button do you press to copy the screen again..?
  3. sorted..fplancher work ok now..thank for all your help blur ("The Blur".... Superman... )
  4. Got it thanks..download wrong version first time.. Using SciTE editor...that works ok...
  5. EDIT: so this is in FPlauncher.ahk so I just change the lines in it and save it...Then I click on Tools>Compile.. I see the ahk files are the source code...nice already in there... Worked it out..
  6. So fplancher.exe source code is on autohotkey web page..so I recomple it or do I need autohotkey.. Sorry if I sound dum but never do it before..? Im installing autohotkey v what do I pick... Unicode or ANSI..?? Im guess its ANSI..... ANYONE>>>>
  7. where the source code for this,how do I recompile it..MVS..?
  8. How do you recompile it and what page number is the fix on,do I use Visual Studio..?? Is this it... "Originally Posted by arngrim Here is the modification to make it work: CloseVP: Hotkey, %exitScriptKey%, Off GoSub rosveClose ;Visual Pinball must be closed this way instead of killing process ;or it wil not save your last game information.i.e score/credtis ;DetectHiddenWindows, on ;Or next line will not work Loop, 4 Gui, %A_Index%: Destroy ;This line fixes where the VP Window flashes real quick ;when closing the window for a cleaner exit ;WinHide, ahk_class VPinball WinMinimize, ahk_class VPinball WinClose, ahk_class VPinball GoSub bigbossClose GoSub, ExitScript I have another trouble, when I launch a table outside of HP, with FPLaunch.exe, and I quit, the Windows bar doesn't come back, I have to go to HP and close it."
  9. I have a problem with exiting a table, it sometimes exits,what happens is it goes back to Hyperpin but VP table is still running under it so you can still see DMD.I have to close it manually.. I am using windows xp on my cab..??
  10. Thanks for sharing,Just what I need..
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