Hi there, It's Christmas so here is a quick theme for Sonic Forces. I still have to clean it up a little bit, but haven't got time (2018?). Will be updated as soon I'm able to. Enjoy!
Hi here, back from vacation and here is a quick them for Sonic Mania. I still have to clean it up a litle bit, but haven't got time (yet). Will be updated as soon I'm able to. Enjoy!
This is the Sega Saturn Main menu Theme and default theme I created for the Japanese wheel. Enjoy!
Here is the Donkey Kong Collection Complete Package I made for my HyperSpin cabinet. I think it looks good as it is, would've liked to add more game themes, but they weren't available/quality not good enough.
The Main menu theme ( dgrace ) and the game themes used in there are made by fellow HyperSpin members (see zip file of the theme for names). The rest I made or changed myself (wheels, video's and changed up some themes). I've put the complete set in this package including a complete (I hope) Database, all emulator settings for Rocketlauncher, all video's, artwork, Pointer, wheels etc.
If you have any suggestion, feel free to comment.
PS these themes are also available for download on the FTP, so feel free to get them there! @ninja2bceen Could you upload it please to the /Unsorted Submissions/Other/SamVSsami folder? Thanks!
Hi All,
I just made my own Theme beacuse I couldn't find this one...Now I found it on a website as part of the NESiCAxLive package. They have a lot of HyperSpin stuff there without permission I think???! Maybe good as an admin can take a look at it? Neverthelese finally I present to you, the farrrr beter theme from Ashurax, enjoy!
Hi All,
I recently (yeah I know...late to the party) acquired Ultimate Street Fighter 4 and couldn't find a theme for it, except for the one from Ashurax. Tried to download that great theme, but keep getting a 'no permission' error. So I had to make one from scratch
PS if anyone has that great theme from Ashurax, please send me the file!!! Thanks!
Hi There,
Here is My KI theme I made about a year ago. I didn't realize i hadn't posted it. So enjoy!
I've Modified the main menu file of spotUP (Fujitsu FM Towns Marty - Main Menu 20150508) and wanted to share it with you guys. Hope he doesn't mind, enjoy
Here an alternative theme (incl. default) for the Sega CD
Here is a Bezel I made for the Commodore CDTV. I made a lot of them, but don't really know where to put them, so that's why i've parked it here for now. More will follow
Here is a Bezel I made for the Sharp X68000. I made a lot of them, but don't really know where to put them, so that's why i've parked it here for now. More will follow
Here is a Bezel I made for Nintendo WiiWare. I made a lot of them, but don't really know where to put them, so that's why i've parked it here for now. More will follow
Here is a Bezel I made for Cave. I made a lot of them, but don't really know where to put them, so that's why i've parked it here for now. More will follow
Here is a Bezel I made for the Dreamcast. I made a lot of them, but don't really know where to put them, so that's why i've parked it here for now. More will follow
Cacpcom Fighting Evolution PC Game Theme
Capcom Fighting Jam PC Game Theme
Dust an elysian Tail PC Game Theme
Freedom Planet PC Game Theme
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection PC Game Theme
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition PC Game Theme
Mortal Kombat X PC Game Theme
Sega Naomi System Default Menu by SamVSsami
Neo Geo AES Default System Theme
Nintendo Gamecube System Theme
Sonic Generations PC Main Menu Theme