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Everything posted by xttx

  1. Version 0.11.1u2 Beta


    Can help you rename (match) your roms and media to Hyperspin xml, and audio your hyperspin setup. Important: keep in mind: it's beta, and it can accidentally make something, you don't want. Features: - Easy setup. You just need to select Hyperspin folder, (and optionally HL or RL folder. Or just click "HL is in HS folder" button, if it's the case) That's all. - Open source (Hyperspin Checker on github) Renaming features: - "Search for media in another folder" tool and autorenamer can now use crc to rename. (of course, works only with roms, including archives. No video/arts support.) - Manual renaming (img 1.1) - Semiautomatic renaming using regular expression (img 1.2.1, img 1.2.2) - Automatic renaming (img 1.3) - Editable list, of pairs of files, to rename together (.bin/.cue .mdf/.mds) - When renaming .bin image, rename filename inside .cue file (if found in the same folder, with the same name) - HL / RL multiple rom path support (img 1.4) - can filter list with wildcards (img 1.5.1, img 1.5.2) - by default files are scanned in HyperSpin / HL / RL folders, but you can specify your own path. When renaming files in custom path, you have an option to autocopy renamed files to proper directory. Renamer Screenshots: Main screen - NEW check for HyperLaunch / RocketLauncher default and per game media - filter missing (img 2.1) - filter using mame folders (img 2.2) - direct edit HS xml in the main table (img 2.3) - reorder games, when saving HS xml (img 2.4) - excel export (img 2.5) - move unused files to "unneeded" subfolder - search for missing roms or media in other folders - remove games, that has not been found (or filtered using "missed" filter or "mame folders" filter) Main screen Screenshots: CD Images check/fix - can batch convert all your CD images to specified format (need 3rd party UltraISO software) (img 3.1.1, img 3.1.2) - if a .cue file need to be created (e.g. .bin file with missing .cue), can autodetect image mode (sector size) (img 3.2) - detect various ISO and GDI problems, and can fix some of them ISO Checker Screenshots: System manager - quick overview of all your systems, based on the last per system scan (img 4.1) - optionaly filter systems (img 4.2) - can edit hyperspin / hyperlaunch emu path and rom path, add or remove system to hyperspin main menu, create HS/HL ini settings for new system (img 4.3) - can add new system (list generated from HL/RL modules) (img 4.4.1, img 4.4.2) System Manager Screenshots: Tools - Hyperspin favorite / genre manager (with video preview) (img 5.1) - If you moved your HS setup from another computer, or just from another directory, you can setup all paths with two clicks (img 5.2) - create Hyperspin XML from folder (img 5.3) - compare Hyperspin XMLs (img 5.4) - create quick indexes for PCSX2 compressed ISOs (img 5.5) - reduce MAME romset (img 5.6) System Manager Screenshots: Video presentation (with most of features description) (please, forgive me my English, it was made at ~5:00am)
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