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About UpstateSC

  • Birthday 10/04/1967


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  1. Any chance someone could send me a copy of the files with the script changed so I can see if it helps on my cab? I really don't know anything about changing or recompiling AHK scripts. TIA if you can help.
  2. Yes, the new version of LW3 and wip4 - I never had any problem with the old version of LW3, just this latest version.
  3. Just downloaded and installed the new Lethal Weapon Alpha Edition table and installed it. If I launch it out of HyperPin it loses focus, I have to hit esc then hit esc again to gain control of the table. Using the latest WIP build of FPLaunch. This is the only table doing this. Is it something in the table script that causes this? I have tried a couple of older builds of FPLaunch and the problem is still there. No issues launching and playing it through VP. Any idea what is going on? Thanks.
  4. "vp908 file must have vp exe file name in next line after every table name this allows you to use several exe files for your tables" Where do you have to do this, in the new txt file in the settings folder or in the hyperpin xml database? Or somewhere else? Thanks for the update and trying to squeeze everything in!
  5. Blur's 1.294 supports Rosve's backglasses, it just doesn't have BigBoss's added functionality to run tables from 9.08 There is a thread at VP forums by BigBoss about how he added the scripting. I just don't know enough about AHK to get it done. Here is the thread: http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=12906 I am running into tables everyday that have a problem with 9.12 so I would love to have this workaround going myself.
  6. So, is there a file out there that has the backglass scripting for the new em backglasses that are coming out AND has the scripting BigBoss did to run tables in VP 9.08 if necessary?? I am running 1.294 and it is working perfectly, I would like to also have the ability to run tables in 9.08 but really don't know enough about scripting to modify it. Does 1.295 do both?
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