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Everything posted by Lucian045

  1. Just wanted to thank everyone who ordered graphics from me this year. I hope everyone has been happy with the service and quality of the prints and material they have received. Looking forward to the new year and everyone's new builds, and maybe a few of my own! Have a great new year everyone and thanks again!
  2. Just wanted to thank everyone who ordered graphics from me this year. I hope everyone has been happy with the service and quality of the prints and material they have received. Looking forward to the new year and everyone's new builds, and maybe a few of my own. Have a great new year everyone and thanks again!
  3. Your welcome Mike...glad it arrived fast with no customs problems this time. Looking forward to seeing the final build. Thanks for the plug, always appreciated!
  4. Shipping to Australia runs $65 3-5 day with tracking...$45 6-10 day without tracking...but if this is too much for you then yes you want self adhesive vinyl preferably with air release and laminated in gloss, matte or polycarbonate. Hope this helps and let me know if I can assist you with your graphics.
  5. Yes I can and will... but I want to know what happened to the money that I donated from before.
  6. Oragaurd 210 is the Laminate at 2.5 Mils
  7. Leaving the USA in 30 minutes!
  8. Been looking forward to it Mike! I'll send some pics as it prints.
  9. Nice work MontyQ...let's see the marquee all lit up.
  10. Actually yes and no. Someone from this community was selling his machine and John contacted him, asked about the artwork and referred him to this site and then to me. And that's how it all started. He's a real interesting guy!
  11. Thought it would be cool to share with all you that I have been doing some printing for Zidware...a company owned by John Popadiuk Jr. Creater of Theater of Magic, Circus Voltaire, World Cup Soccer, etc. Its been a real honor to talk with him as Theater of Magic is my all time favorite table. He is making a few custom pinball games with some patented mechanics which he could not share. I have printed his artwork for the first machine and again I can't share the details as I signed a disclosure agreement with him, but the artwork is very retro! Check out his site http://www.zidwarepinball.com/. The machine he is working on will be available for play at the expo in Detroit this year. That's it...when he lifts the ban I can share pictures. Thanks for all the orders from you guys! I love seeing the cool graphics you guys come up with!
  12. Graphics should always be supplied with at least 1/2" extra material all around so it fits. Usually people just send me a rectangle of the area and not the actual shape of the cab, and trim away the extra material. If you want me to cut the graphic to the shape of your cab I can do that but make sure you have allowed for extra material all around. For color...if you want a proof sent to you I will be happy to do that. My monitor is calibrated for color so whatever you send I generally can see accurate color matching...but the color you picked may be different on your monitor so if you are concerned about it I will send a proof. If you would like to talk more send me an e-mail and I'll give you my cell if your in the US. Thanks.
  13. Just the dimensions for a quote.
  14. Updates would be appreciated especially since money has been donated.
  15. Nice job! How did you like the material?
  16. Got it Unstupid...damn man it looks awesome and super clean. Professional grade! Great job on it.
  17. If you find the logo you want, size it to your cab then send it to me. My machine can die cut out the graphic. Send me an email when you are ready or with any questions. I cant give a price until I get the exact size and what needs to be die cut out. My email is in this thread. Thanks.
  18. Sure thing. Maxxsinner on the forums here is actually ordering something from me and he is in Australia. If the artwork is finished you guys could combine shipping to save cost. Might want to PM him. Thanks.
  19. Thanks MikeKim...great job. Did I mark on the marquees the % of transparency? Wondering which you went with? 80% seems to be the magic number but I am curious. Thanks for posting.
  20. Thanks guys! Appreciate the testimonials. Your pins look great.
  21. Thanks , great job on your pin cab. Looks awesome!
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