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Everything posted by harleyguy

  1. Version 1.0


    Here are some additional wheel files that I have created that are currently not part of the Default MAME wheel packs. The only exception is Knights of Valour 2, which I have replaced with a better version (the one in the Default Wheel Pack is very blurry) Most of these are pulled from Flyers or Marquees, but on some of them I had to resort to capturing their Title Screens. All were cleaned up and edited in Photoshop to look their best. I hope everyone likes!
  2. Version 1.0


    This is an update to scrapple's theme that contained hand drawn artwork. I liked the idea behind the theme but wanted something more 'authentic'. It's almost an exact replica of his original work, except I replaced the hand drawn artwork with authentic images from the film. I hope everyone likes it. Please feel free to comment. And many thanks to scrapple for his original theme!
  3. Version 1.0


    Here is my very first upload. Crush Roller is the original game Make Trax is a clone of. I remember playing this one rather than Make Trax, (somehow my local arcade got that version) so I figured I would make a theme. Special thanks to bodydump for his original Make Trax version, I merely modified it using original Crush Roller artwork. Hope everyone likes!
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