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About Prial

  • Birthday 05/21/1977

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  1. Hi, yes. It runs on Mess. I had to edit an old mess module to get it to work. I'll send it to you when I get a chance. I'm away from my arcade machine at the moment.
  2. RM Nimbus System Default Theme (4x3) View File Here's my RM Nimbus Sytem Default Theme. Submitter Prial Submitted 06/14/2017 Category System Default Themes HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Here's my RM Nimbus Sytem Default Theme.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Heres a main menu theme I made for the RM Nimbus. I've used two monitor screens side by side for this theme, the reason being is that if you went to school in the UK during the late 80s and early 90s these are the computers that you were more than likely using. All lined up in a row!
  5. RM Nimbus Main Menu Theme View File Heres a main menu theme I made for the RM Nimbus. I've used two monitor screens side by side for this theme, the reason being is that if you went to school in the UK during the late 80s and early 90s these are the computers that you were more than likely using. All lined up in a row! Submitter Prial Submitted 06/13/2017 Category Main Menu Themes HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits  
  6. You're welcome. I was surprised that these hadn't been already made after all this time :-)
  7. Commodore 64 Letter Pack View File Commodore 64 Letter Pack. In the style and colour of the original Commodore 64 text Submitter Prial Submitted 06/12/2017 Category HyperMedia HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Commodore 64 Letter Pack. In the style and colour of the original Commodore 64 text
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Steam (Library Style) Pointer
  10. Steam (Library Style) Pointer View File Steam (Library Style) Pointer Submitter Prial Submitted 06/12/2017 Category Pointers HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits  
  11. Steam (Library Style) System Default Theme (4:3) View File My Custom Steam System Default Theme Based On Thee Steam Library Page. The game images fade out letting the video previews emerge from behind it. This Theme works best with the straight up and down wheel and the wheel images that are created using the steam wheel creator. I've included the settings from my PCLauncher ini file, just copy these and paste it over your own settings. Make sure to back up your PCLauncher ini first just in case. [wheel] alpha=0 small_alpha = 1 style=vertical speed=high pin_center_width=500 horz_wheel_y=612 vert_wheel_position=right y_rotation=center norm_large=360 norm_small=230 vert_large=350 vert_small=180 pin_large=500 pin_small=200 horz_large=240 horz_small=150 letter_wheel_x=800 letter_wheel_y=384 text_width=700 text_font=Style4 small_text_width=260 large_text_width=400 text_stroke_size=6 text_stroke_color=0x000000 text_color1=0x00BFFD text_color2=0xFFFFFF text_color3=0x00BFFD color_ratio=139 shadow_distance=0 shadow_angle=45 shadow_color=0x000000 shadow_alpha=1 shadow_blur=0 [pointer] animated=true x=975 y=384 Submitter Prial Submitted 06/12/2017 Category System Default Themes HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    My Custom Steam System Default Theme Based On Thee Steam Library Page. The game images fade out letting the video previews emerge from behind it. This Theme works best with the straight up and down wheel and the wheel images that are created using the steam wheel creator. I've included the settings from my PCLauncher ini file, just copy these and paste it over your own settings. Make sure to back up your PCLauncher ini first just in case. [wheel] alpha=0 small_alpha = 1 style=vertical speed=high pin_center_width=500 horz_wheel_y=612 vert_wheel_position=right y_rotation=center norm_large=360 norm_small=230 vert_large=350 vert_small=180 pin_large=500 pin_small=200 horz_large=240 horz_small=150 letter_wheel_x=800 letter_wheel_y=384 text_width=700 text_font=Style4 small_text_width=260 large_text_width=400 text_stroke_size=6 text_stroke_color=0x000000 text_color1=0x00BFFD text_color2=0xFFFFFF text_color3=0x00BFFD color_ratio=139 shadow_distance=0 shadow_angle=45 shadow_color=0x000000 shadow_alpha=1 shadow_blur=0 [pointer] animated=true x=975 y=384
  13. Steam (Library Style) Main Menu (4:3) View File My Custom Steam Main Menu Theme Based On Thee Steam Library Page. The game images in the middle of the page fades out letting the video preview from behind it. Rather than using game preview footage I use this excellent video animation I found which works perfectly with the theme. Submitter Prial Submitted 06/12/2017 Category Main Menu Themes HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits
  14. Version 1.0.0


    My Custom Steam Main Menu Theme Based On Thee Steam Library Page. The game images in the middle of the page fades out letting the video preview from behind it. Rather than using game preview footage I use this excellent video animation I found which works perfectly with the theme.
  15. Commodore 64 Games Sysem Custom Database View File Cartridge Games that were released specifically for this system. Submitter Prial Submitted 02/09/2017 Category Databases (XML) Credits  
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