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About JackLeather

  • Birthday 06/18/1969


  • HyperNewbie

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  1. thanks for the help!
  2. Right ATI out, Nvidia in. Can you suggest a budget card that can deliver power needed for hyperpin? i assume the old 8800 GT(s/x/etc) range wont do? even with 512mb?
  3. Hi, i am sizing up a mini-hyperpin build here in the UK. I have read this faq and was wondering if someone could up date it to reflect the changes in motherboards/processors/graphics cards. the 9800 series of cards are still good but getting old. i just read a post that mentioned the slightly newer ATI 5770 is underpowered (a little). I want to put a budget pc together that will drive a mini-pin with a 24" (16:9) and 15" (4:3) back glass. Motherboards/RAM/PSUs are 'ten a penny' relative to CPUs and esp. graphics cards. would the ATI 5770 drive a 24"/15" combo with hyperpin ok?
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