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  • Birthday 02/14/1979


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  1. I tried it in VP and it's not transparent. Weird.
  2. That transparent one is CLEAN!
  3. The text is there if you don't have a wheel image for the table. Where else are you expecting text to be for?
  4. So its blank after the [FPLaunch] section? Or there is no section in your Settings.ini?
  5. After you install the latest FPLaunch MOD script and run HP once, go into your Settings directory of HP, and at the bottom of the Settings.ini you'll see the [FPLaunch] section.
  6. It's working perfect now.
  7. Ya, I have VP, HP, and FPLaunch set to NT4 compat. One thing I found out was once I'm in the table, and the DMD isn't showing I can F3 and refresh and it will pop back to the front, and I can play the table. I'm wondering if there is something you can put in the ahk to make it auto reset once the table is loaded. So it's pretty much instant and you don't even notice it, but for a split second.
  8. I tried 10 different tables and it only worked on the 2nd try, but once I reloaded that table it didn't work again.
  9. I'm still having that issue apparently with the DMD. I made a short video (FS and 720p you can see it good) so I can show you what is going on. No audio though, and not the best quality but I hope it conveys the message still. I tried it with the wip3 after (found it while browsing through the posts) and it's still the same. Just tested with the old 1.1 and the DMD shows up fine. http://youtu.be/mjJ2DjhmLmo
  10. I edited 1.295wip2. And I did the correct lines as I listed in the code 2 posts above. That was copied from my ahk. I did compile too. Doing the quick solve as you suggest always brings the focus back to the playfield and hides the DMD. EDIT: Ok, I deleted the nvram of a few tables, then reran the games and now they show up. I don't know what happened there, but they seem to show up now. I had a clean install of VPinball and HP I was testing this on, so something saved weird. But, the new code seems to work now. Thanks for the help! I couldn't use HP without the load screens, they are awesome!
  11. Correct. It blinks once, and then disappears. My DMD is shown when I run it in VP. It's weird because Ill bring it back to the front by alt-tabbing, but when I click back to the playfield to play the table it pushes it back again.
  12. WinWaitActive, ahk_class VPPlayer ;Wait for vp to be Ready before killing Gui blackScreen ;WinActivate, ahk_class TBackglass ;WinActivate, ahk_class MAME ;WinActivate, ahk_class VPPlayer Gui, Destroy Process, WaitClose, %executable% I commented those out as shown above (hopefully it's correct), and recompiled and it still does it. I had my VPinball.exe already at NT4 compatibility so I didn't need to change that. Just for reference I'm on VP912 and Win7x64.
  13. Ok, I think I may have found a possible bug. I'm only running HP on a single screen, so I have the playfield and DMD showing. Running the original 1.1 FPLaunch my DMD shows on top of the table. Tried 1.13 since that is the first MOD and it shows up on the table. I then upgraded to 1.294, and now my DMD blinks for a second, and then disappears behind the table when the table loads. Alt-Tabbing brings it back to the front. But, once I click to focus the playfield again it disappears. I then upgraded to 1.295wip2, and it still has the same issue. So I put my original FPLaunch and settings.ini file back in and it shows correctly. I've been trying to figure out what it was for almost a week now. But, I'm pretty sure it's FPLaunch MOD doing it. I'm thinking it has to do with the new graphics files showing on screen, since the 1.294 is when the issue arose. I tried setting the useLoadScreen to false, but it still happens. Recap: 1.1 - DMD shown on playfield. 1.13 - DMD shown on playfield. 1.294 - DMD blinks then disappears behind table. 1.295 wip2 - DMD blinks then disappears behind table.
  14. This helped me out in my previous thread I started. http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12895 Works perfect now!
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