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Everything posted by ukexpat71

  1. IGNORE - its all working now.
  2. Hi, the escape was using ctrl as well, dont know why but mapped to another key ok. E was already mapped as Exit but only works when at the hyperpin wheel menu not in game. P for Pause brings up the service/flyer menu in game as E should. But no keys work. (flippers cant move menu up or down, E does not work or Enter) I have made this 'useExitAsPause=true' flase in Settings.ini and Fp but get error. Please someone attach your WORKING FPlaunch and settings.ini mapped to e for exit. Thanks, Webster
  3. HI, I thought this maybe the issue: --------------- [Keyboard] Key_Delay = false Start = 13 Exit = 27 Up = 150 Down = 149 SkipUp = 191 SkipDown = 90 Flyer = 70 Instruction = 73 Genre = 71 Service = 9 --------------- Since i have found conficting information about key codes. But like i said when i restart Hyperpin after closing with task manager it works perfect. I have Ipac2 and have mapped buttons this way. One for E and one for Escape, as per manual. I close hyperpin and test each button in the winipac editor and they all work fine no conflicts or combos. Thanks webster
  4. tried putting the task bar on the backglass, after restarting made no difference. Forgot to mention i run XP 32bit. Maybe its a service thats starts and interferes??
  5. Hi Guys, So my bad, forgot i uninstalled adobe cs3 and it also took off flash player. All working OK except for one niggling issue. On first boot up into Hyperpin, none of the Exit menu's work at all. E is mapped to in game menu and escape mapped as hyperpin shutdown. When the escape (mapped button) is pressed i get the start menu pop up and task bar invisible. (image 1). When i close Hyperpin with task manager and immediately restart it everything is perfect. I have listed my settings file below, please someone take a look and see if anything stands out or anyone any ideas, same feelings. Settings.ini ----------------- [Main] Version = Starting_Genre = All Games [Video] Playfield_Monitor = Primary Playfield_Rotation = 270 Backglass_Monitor = Secondary Quality = BEST Table_Video_Enabled = true Table_Video_Offset = 0 Use_Backglass = true Backglass_Image_x = 0 Backglass_Image_y = 0 Backglass_Image_w = 1280 Backglass_Image_h = 1024 Backglass_Image_r = 0 Backglass_Delay = 0 [Future Pinball] Show_Games = true Exe = Future Pinball.exe Path = C:\Hyperpin\Future Pinball\ Table_Path = C:\Hyperpin\Future Pinball\Tables\ Table_Video_Path = C:\HyperPin\Media\Future Pinball\Table Videos\ Table_Image_Path = C:\HyperPin\Media\Future Pinball\Table Images\ Backglass_Image_Path= C:\HyperPin\Media\Future Pinball\Backglass Images\ Exe = Future Pinball.exe [Visual Pinball] Show_Games = true Path = C:\HyperPin\Visual Pinball\ Table_Path = C:\HyperPin\Visual Pinball\tables\ Table_Video_Path = C:\HyperPin\Media\Visual Pinball\Table Videos\ Table_Image_Path = C:\HyperPin\Media\Visual Pinball\Table Images\ Backglass_Image_Path= C:\HyperPin\Media\Visual Pinball\Backglass Images\ Exe = VPinball.exe [Wheel] Speed = medium Text_Font = Style2 Text_Stroke_Size = 8 Text_Stroke_Color = 0x000000 Text_Color1 = 0xe10008 Text_Color2 = 0xFFFFFF Text_Color3 = 0xe10008 Color_Ratio = 100 Shadow_Distance = 0 Shadow_Angle = 45 Shadow_Color = 0x000000 Shadow_Alpha = 1 Shadow_Blur = 0 [intro Video] Use_Intro = true Skip_On_Keypress = true [intro Image] Use_Intro = True Skip_On_Keypress = true [sound] Master_Volume = 100 Video_Volume = 100 Sound_FX_Volume = 50 Wheel_Sound_Volume = 50 [AttractMode] Active = true Time = 60 MaxSpinTime = 10 [Press Start Text] Enabled = true Text1 = Free Play Text2 = Press Start Color = 0xe10008 [Keyboard] Key_Delay = false Start = 13 Exit = 27 Up = 150 Down = 149 SkipUp = 191 SkipDown = 90 Flyer = 70 Instruction = 73 Genre = 71 Service = 9 [Pinball Wizard] Joy = 0 Start = 9 Exit = 8 Up = 2 Down = 10 SkipUp = 3 SkipDown = 11 Flyer = 4 Insruction = 5 Genre = 7 Service = 15 [Flyer] BottomX = 300 CenterY = 360 [instruction] Width = 600 BottomX = 250 CenterY = 360 [Exit] Enable_Exit_Screen = true Exit_HyperPin = true Shutdown = true Enable_Shortcut = true Shortcut_Action = exit Shortcut_Time = 1 [startup Program] Executable = Parameters = Working_Directory = WinState = NORMAL [Exit Program] Executable = Parameters = Working_Directory = WinState = NORMAL [FPLaunch] exitScriptKey=~q & ~s exitKey=e exitKey1=p enterKey=1 enterKey1=Enter upKey=LShift upKey1=LShift downKey=RShift downKey1=RShift toggleCursorKey=t hideCursor=true hideDesktop=true hideTaskbar=true useLoadingScreen=true useExitScreen=true useExitAsPause=true useExitMenu=true fadespeed=25 pauseFPKey=RButton saveFPTables=true editTableKey=!F4 printScreenKey=o printBGKey=u pfScreenNum=1 bgScreenNum=2 flyerKey=f instructionsKey=i hyperScale=0.75 debugMode=file ledwiz=false toggleLedwizKey=1 hyperpinexe=hyperpin.exe focusSleep=500 useFocus=both [LastLoad] system=Visual Pinball table=AbraCaDabra_FS_B2S --------------------------- Thanks in advance, Webster.
  6. Hi, So i decided to take the plunge into fplaunch 1.295 WIP10 and all is working better than expected except for this error thats been brought up before but not resolved. "I'm having an issue with accessing instructions from within a game via the Exit menu. " FPLaunch crashes, See attachment I have Flash installed and shockwave and java. Flyers are working fine from the exit menu triggered by 'e'. I can access instructions and flyers no problem on the Hyperpin wheel screen and I am using the Enter button to select menu options. Just no Instructions from the Exit menu?? Please help this is doing my nut in. Thanks webster.
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