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Everything posted by TTDax

  1. Thanks guru, but that is not the problem
  2. Yes I have the com.ahk file in hyperpin folder. I copied the files directly from my main pc which I have connected to TV and it works perfectly. Could it possibly be something with Visual Pinball or VPinMame I wonder. Hmm ?? I'm running both the main computer (home pc connected to tv, 1080p) and cabinet with win7 x64 and the cabinet has an ipac controller. Strange cause it works perfectly on main pc. All files are set to run as administrator WinXP SP3. And what is really strange is it all works on cabinet with buttons which I have setup to work on main menu (only not ingame instructions). Very odd....
  3. I am having problems with loading in game instructions using new build. I keep getting an error about com file with the following statement, "The Com object may not be a valid dispatch object. First ensure that com Library has been initialized through Com_Init(). () Will continue Y or N ? " Any suggestions ? Flyers work as normal and all else as well. Thanks in advance,
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