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Everything posted by pacifikballa

  1. 13 downloads

    Made this one by request from a member on the HA discord.
  2. The sxs file works with the latest version of Windows 10 21H1. Trust me, I’m always updating Windows and running HS right after to make sure
  3. It was a group effort that made his happen, so thanks to those individuals as well. When I tried to launch HS, it would show "Suspended" in Task Manager, and close itself. So I figured, let me check Event Viewer and see if I can drill down the exact issue. I posted screenshots of this error here: Not Starting on Windows Version 2004 [FIX AVAILABLE HERE] Which pointed out the faulty .dll files. Having known it was the .dll files, another member suggested to drop those into the HyperSpin root folder...and alas, that is how this fix was created.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This is a fix that was found while a few of us were copying around some .dll's. Come to find out, only one is needed. Simply download the sxs.dll file and place it in the HyperSpin root directory (the folder where your HyperSpin.exe resides) and thats it! Enjoy HyperSpin once again!!
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