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About thefooz

  • Birthday 01/31/1983


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  1. Well, it did invoke the flyer, but once the flyer was up, I was back at the main hyperpin page. Is the flyer key supposed to invoke the flyer on top of visual pinball? Meaning, should I be seeing vp actively running behind the flyer?
  2. Quick question. The other day I was playing the cab and accidentally pressed the flyer button and it kicked me out of the game. Is there any way to disable that particular feature while visual pinball is running?
  3. I have the exact thing happen to me. I even tried remapping the exit emulator button to E and still does the same thing.
  4. It's funny though, because most people's stutter seems to originate from the LEDs being activated, not contactors. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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