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5 Screenshots

About This File



Here is a collection of all Main Menu Wheels and all Variations i could find. Most of them I just found and bordered, some I made Myself. They all use the Style of this Post (a lot of them are made by Crylen and DamnedRegistrations)


Included are:
267 different Systems
71 variations like PAL/US/JAP and so on
7 Special Wheels
74 Genre Wheels


Here is the Link to the Widescreen (16:9) Version *click*


added another 14 Systems


added another 12 Systems
cleaned up a lot of Wheels
got rid of all the trademark and copyright Symbols


added 18 Systems
added 36 Variations
added Genre Wheels
Made extra folders for "Variations" and "Special Wheels"
cleaned up some Wheels

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