Everything works... Except the Media Syncing to Hyperspin. I think the plugin has to be rewritten or something. (Even tried running everything as Admin
All the features are great... THe loading of systems has massively improved...
But the media simple wont sync... even with the emumovies video.
The only thing that seems to sync are the system themes. Yet you can see all the media, even in overrides... in HyperHQ.
Once you get this all working... It should be good!
Also if your trying to reassign buttons.... Enter and Escape work great. 2 works fine. 1 doesnt work. Escape works fine.
Also when you click on Launch hyperspin in HyperHQ... the button doesnt do anything.
Also when I click on Validate media and Validate Overrides... the screen pops up for a brief blip... and vanishes.. Its either Syncing super fast.. or crashing and not syncing at all.
Everything works... Except the Media Syncing to Hyperspin
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