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4 files

  1. Database is almost complete with data , consists of ~2200 games.All game names are in proper format and do not have (es,it,fr.)etc in their names. I consider that bad when using rename tool, that data should be in description.
    Anyway here it is.
    Format for date is: y/m/d
    New format is Year only, due to inconsistency and bad data returned in value of month/day using year only
    P.S Do not use this database with other database management tools other then hypert00ls modified for synopses or you will LOOSE all extra data i have inserted, extra data being <synopses> , <players> , <developer>
  2. Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (DLC)
    I didn't see any database for this, so i am committing mine. Its based on no-intro set. Some games have all info, some just name and desc.
    Have fun
    This is for NDS not CIA
  3. So I was pondering over my Nintendo DS collection, the lack of easily available media for it, and I realised that there was a lot of rubbish in that collection...
    With that in mind, i scoured the interwebs for the top 100 (or so) games for this system to build an easily accessible list that isn't overpopulated
    It may not be for everyone, and I'm sure people will disagree with the picks, but this includes all games in the 'Top' lists from Games Radar, Giant Bomb and Dorkly, plus a selection from the top scored Metacritic games (78+). Additionally if there is one from a series included in those lists, I have generally included the others (although not all)
    Either way, I feel this is a pretty comprehensive top list for this system...
    Based upon current hyperlist.
    Interested to hear anyones thoughts!
    UPDATE - 2.1 released to fix an ordering issue with Bomberman and Bookworm
    RELEASE - NINTENDO DS - British Version
    UPDATE - 3.0 - Add Indexes
    UPDATE - 3.2 - British Version
    Changelog 3.2:
    British version of 3.0 - changes per 2.2
    Changelog 3.0:
    Added indexes to fix ordering issues with the wheel not showing in XML order. Please edit Nintendo DS.ini to use_indexes=true
    Full discussion here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/14578-how-do-i-re-order-a-wheel/
    Ensures Pokemon games show in Release Order and Okamiden shows under O and not #
    Release 2.2: Nintendo DS - British Version
    Changes Professor Layton and the Last Sprecter to Europe version with correct spelling - Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call
    Changelog 2.1:
    Reordered Bomberman and Bookworm as they were the wrong way around alphabetically
    Changelog 2.0:
    Made this a definitive *TOP 100* Added Manufacturer / Year / Genre and Rating Manufacturer is Developer from Wikipedia Year is US release year from Wikipedia Genres are simplified from Wikipedia Ratings from ESRB website
    [*]Pokemon Changes
    Re-ordered Pokemon Games to match release order and pairings Removed Pokemon Diamond & Pearl (since Platinum is an enhanced remake of both)
    [*]Added in some games that I originally missed (notably Yoshi games) [*]Tweaked Game Names to more accurately match the current release names (mostly removal of tags) [*]Removals
    Removed Puzzle Quest Galactrix and Puzzle Quest 2 (leaving just Challenge of the Warlords, the most highly rated) Removed Scribblenauts - Super Scribblenauts is effectively the same game but more advanced Removed the less well reviewed Bomberman Land Touch! 2 Removed Plants vs. Zombies to get it down to the 100. There are better versions of this game out there on other systems if you want this for your HS Setup.


    To Do: Change Professor Layton Last Specter for Spectre's Call (EU Version)
    - Why? Because I'm British and the misspelling is annoying as hell
    NB: I probably won't release that version, as this is the more unified list Released as 2.2 - If you speak anything other than British English, i recommend you stick with 2.1!!
    Matching Media and Theme can be found here:
    Wheel Pack: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11260-nintendo-ds-top-100-games-xml-matching-wheel/ Box Pack: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11261-nintendo-ds-top-100-games-xml-matching-box-pack/ Screenshot Pack: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11263-nintendo-ds-top-100-games-xml-matching-screenshot-pack/ Default Theme: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11262-nintendo-ds-system-theme/

  4. Nintendo DS HyperBase Database (Official)

  • Please Read

    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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