Magical Beat for Nesica
Game Theme - The Rumble Fish 2
Nesica Theme 16:9
KOF XII Game Theme (Nesica/Taito X)
Nesica Theme by THK
Nesica Theme by THK alternative version
Nesica Theme by THK
Nesica Theme by THK
Nesica Theme by THK
Nesica Theme by THK
Nesic/Mame Theme by THK Alternate Version 2
Nesica/Mame Theme by THK Alternative Version
Nesica theme by THK
Game Theme - Ford Racing Full Blown - (16:6)
Sistema: Sega Ring
Tema do Jogo + 3x Wheels + Video do Jogo
Nome do arquivo:
*Game Wheel Circular Opcional - Créditos: POOTERMAN
Game Theme - Ford Racing Full Blown - (16:6)
System: Sega Ring
Game Theme + 3x Wheels + Game Video
File name:
*Game Wheel Circular Optional - Crédits: POOTERMAN
The Fast and the Furious (Wild Speed in Japan) is an arcade game based on the street racing themed 2001 film of the same name. It was developed and published by Raw Thrills. It can be viewed as a spiritual successor to the Cruis'n series, as they contain many similar elements and were both designed by Eugene Jarvis. The original arcade game was later ported to the Wii under the name Cruis'n, with all elements of the film license removed.
Target Terror (Arcade PC Linux, Wii)
Game Theme - Akai katana Shin - Sistema NESiCAxLive [4:3]
Sistema: NESiCAxLive
Tema do Jogo + Wheel (sem borda) + Video do Jogo
Game Theme - Akai katana Shin - NESiCAxLive System [4:3]
System: NESiCAxLive
Game Theme + Wheel (no border) + Game Video
Game theme. 4x3. (taito type x, arcade pc)
Game theme. 4x3 (arcade, arcade pc, Taito Type X2)
Game theme. 4x3. (arcade pc)
Exception NESiCAxLive v1.0
Dragon Dance 16x9 (NESiCAxLive) v1.0
Tottemo E Mahjong NESiCAxLive v1.0
Exception 1.0
Magical Beat 16x9 (NESiCAxLive) v1.0