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3 files

  1. FM Towns Marty RetroArch(mame - current) setup
    This is for use with Mame Software list CHD "fmtowns_cd" set
    I tested all 783 games and ended up with a set of 264 playable.
    Conditions for included games:
    Compatible with 2 virtual gamepads Boots straight to game (no Towns OS) Does not required mouse Any game left off this list will be in a future expanded FM Towns setup.
    I have made a "Games" folder that is prepped with all user/boot/utility disks necessary.  Just drop in the fmtowns_cd CHD files into the corresponding folders.
    I created my own hash file so make sure to download that and the retroarch fmtmarty.cfg for controls.
    RetroArch.ahk additions:
    MSystem: "Fujitsu FM Towns Marty" mTypeVar: Fujitsu FM Towns Marty|mame_libretro|fmtmarty
  2. love - xALPHAxOMEGAx
  3. a pack of 3D box artwork

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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