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189 files

  1. 55 0
  2. Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
    38 0
  3. RA
    119 0
  4. Multi Emulator Super System
    19 0
  5. Reste également la possibilité avec un autre émulateur nullDC-Naomi-r150 à condition de posséder les fichiers lst nécessaires au démarrage des ROMs bin ou dat
    exemple LST:
    Nom du jeu
    "bin-file-name", 0x0000000, <longueur du bin-file-name>
    Regardez la taille du fichier
    (Propriétés du clic droit)
    copiez le nombre en octets
    puis dans la calculatrice windows
    dans la vue menu sélectionnez scientifique
    collez le nombre
    et cliquez dans HEX
    puis changez 0x0000000 en l'
    exemple de valeur HEX souhaité :
    Game123456 "Game123456", 0x0000000, 0x0 "0000000" (Insérez la valeur HEX souhaitée dans le devis)
    "Game123456.bin or dat", 0x0000000, 0x0123456
    4 0
  6. Makaron est un émulateur Dreamcast/Naomi bien connu. Son émulation de la Naomi a été décliné sous deux version, la version T12.5 et la version T12.7. Puis, une version MakaronEX est apparu. Elle apportait d'avantage d'options et une interface graphique améliorée. Makaron EXcipit est une adaptation de la version 4.1 de MakaronEX pour Front-End. L'excellente émulation, avec un rendu graphique à l'échelle très proche de l'original, même sur un LCD, m'a incité à me pencher d'avantage sur cet émulateur que j'avais pourtant longtemps délaissé au profit de NullDC. Le but de Makaron EXcipit n'est pas d'améliorer l'émulation de Makaron, mais seulement de pouvoir plus facilement l'intégrer dans une borne. Améliorations apportées par rapport à MakaronEX 4.1 : Possibilité de lancer une émulation Dreamcast ou Naomi par ligne de commande. En effet, avec MakaronEX, il n'était possible de lancer l'émulation qu'à travers l'interface graphique ce qui retirait la possibilité de l'intégrer dans un Front-End. Possibilité de quitter l'émulation avec la touche Echap. En appuyant sur la touche Echap, il est possible de fermer l'émulateur proprement. Configuration des touches du 2ème Joueur pour l'émulation de la Naomi. En mode Naomi, il n'était pas possible de configurer les touches du clavier pour le 2ème joueur. Ce n'est malheureusement toujours pas possible via l'interface graphique, mais c'est en revanche possible via un fichier de paramètre. Installation : Dézipper l'archive dans le répertoire de votre choix. Exemple : C:\Makaron\ Copier les roms dans le dossier "Roms" Exemple : C:\Makaron\Roms\ Pour convertir vos Roms Naomi à partir du format MAME, au format Makaron/NullDC, vous pouvez utiliser Naomi Converter. Rappel : Pour transformer un rom Naomi NullDC (*.dat) au format Naomi Makaron (*.bin), il suffit de renommer l'extension. Exemple : C:\Makaron\Roms\ikaruga.dat :5n: C:\Makaron\Roms\ikaruga.bin Utilisation : Lancer l'interface graphique habituelle de MakaronEX Il est toujours possible de lancer l'interface graphique originale de MakaronEX en exécutant MakaronEX.exe à la racine de l'installation. Exemple : C:\Makaron\MakaronEX.exe Lancer l'émulation par ligne de commande C'est là donc la grande nouveauté. Pour lancer un rom Dreamcast, exécuté la commande suivante : [Répertoire d'installation]\Tools\Dreamcast.bat [Fichier rom] Exemple : C:\Makaron\Tools\Dreamcast.bat ikaruga.gdi Pour lancer un rom Naomi, exécuté la commande suivante : [Répertoire d'installation]\Tools\Naomi.bat [Fichier rom] Exemple : C:\Makaron\Tools\Naomi.bat karous.bin Par défaut, l'émulateur démarrera en version T12.5, si vous souhaitez préciser la version : [Répertoire d'installation]\Tools\Naomi.bat [Fichier rom] [Version de l'émulateur] Exemple : C:\Makaron\Tools\Naomi.bat trizeal.bin T12.7 Configuration des touches pour le 2ème joueur en mode Naomi Modifier simplement le fichier JVS.ini situé dans le dossier "Tools" Exemple : C:\Makaron\Tools\JVS.ini Makaron EXcipit effectuera automatiquement une sauvegarde de votre fichier original à chaque lancement, au cas où l'interface graphique écraserait votre configuration. Exemple : C:\Makaron\Naomi\JVS.bak Si vous souhaitez configurer rapidement les touches du 2ème joueur en passant par l'interface graphique de MakaronEX, il vous suffit de configurer les touches pour le Joueur 1, de fermer MakaronEX, et de récupérer les paramètres enregistré dans le fichier JVS.ini Exemple : C:\Makaron\Naomi\JVS.ini Puis de refaire la même manipulation avec le Joueur 2, de récupérer à nouveau le contenu du Joueur 1, mais cette fois ci, l'attribuer au Joueur 2 en remplaçant P1 par P2 et COIN1, par COIN2. Et d'enregistrer tout ça dans le fichier JVS.ini, mais dans "Tools" cette fois-ci. Exemple : C:\Makaron\Tools\JVS.ini Important : Tous les paramètres contenus dans le fichier JVS.ini situé dans le dossier "Naomi" seront systématiquement remplacés par ceux contenus dans le JVS.ini situé dans le dossier "Tools" Exemple du contenu de JVS.ini : CODE : TOUT SÉLECTIONNER [Keyboard] KEY_0x70 = FB_TEST KEY_0x71 = FB_SERVICE KEY_0x31 = P1_START KEY_0x35 = COIN1 KEY_0x26 = P1_UP KEY_0x28 = P1_DOWN KEY_0x25 = P1_LEFT KEY_0x27 = P1_RIGHT KEY_0xDC = P1_BUTTON1 KEY_0x4E = P1_BUTTON2 KEY_0x20 = P1_BUTTON3 KEY_0x10 = P1_BUTTON4 KEY_0x57 = P1_BUTTON5 KEY_0x58 = P1_BUTTON6 KEY_0x32 = P2_START KEY_0x36 = COIN2 KEY_0x52 = P2_UP KEY_0x46 = P2_DOWN KEY_0x44 = P2_LEFT KEY_0x47 = P2_RIGHT KEY_0x51 = P2_BUTTON1 KEY_0x53 = P2_BUTTON2 KEY_0x41 = P2_BUTTON3 KEY_0x5A = P2_BUTTON4 KEY_0x49 = P2_BUTTON5 KEY_0x4B = P2_BUTTON6 Et pour quitter, appuyer sur la touche Echap. A la place de faire successivement F8, pour arrêter l'émulation, et ALT+F4, pour fermer l'émulateur.
    28 0
  7. 18 0
  8. Capcom CPS1 (1988–1995): https://youtu.be/3Dhev0IFop8 Capcom CPS2 (1993–2003): https://youtu.be/1cpznsRrkz4 Capcom CPS3 (1996–1999): https://youtu.be/uUDSLZfYoM4 Cave (First generation: 1994–2001): https://youtu.be/QZYq0GfT5IA Data East DEC-0 (1980–1985), DEC-8 (1986-1988) and DECO IC16 (1987-1990): https://youtu.be/Rk4_GJ0VXr4 Galaxian based hardware (1979-1982) Irem M62 (1984-1986), M63 (1984-1985), M72 (1987-1990), M90 (1991), M92 (1991-1994) and M107 hardware (1993-1995) Kaneko 16 (Kaneko AX System. 1991-1995.) 
    Neo Geo (MVS hardware: 1990–2004): https://youtu.be/Tii7q0XIxrw
    NMK16 (Nihon Maicom Kaihatsu. 1989-2001): https://youtu.be/byi-48cFb24 Pacman based hardware (1980-1983) PGM (PolyGame Master. 1997–2005): https://youtu.be/22scpU-20wg Psikyo 68EC020 (1st Generation: https://youtu.be/etUWGa48oa0 1993–1996) and SH-2 (1997–2002) based hardware Sega System 1 (1983–1987), System 16 (And similar. 1985–1994), System 18 (1989–1992), X-Board (1987–1990), Y-Board (1988–1991) Super Kaneko Nova System (1996–2002): https://youtu.be/Xm90a1R5xaY Toaplan (Company: 1984-1994. V1 hardware: 1988-1991; V2: 1991-1999.): https://youtu.be/GJamPY-DPR8
    37 0
  9. Good morning, Here is Arcade64 v0.255 
    95 0
  10. Good morning all, here is another Arcade v0.257 no nag Enjoy
    93 0
  11. Good morning all, here is an updated no nag Arcade64 v0.256 Enjoy 
    100 0
  12. good morning all, here is another Arcade64 no_nag v0.254 
    70 0
  13. Good evening all, sorry for the delay here is arcade64 v0.253 thank you and enjoy
    47 0
  14. *This removes the nag screen that informs you if a rom doesn't work correctly, or if at all, if you use this no nag, then please do NOT go to the mame support site with issues with games, please only use if you understand that there will be no help from anyone at mamedev as you are using a modified version of mame.
    mame.exe - Normal Mame with Nags removed. For Version 0.253 (Note mame no longer carries the 64 in its exe name changed by Devs in 0.229)
    It's advisable to download the full 0.253 official pack and install it, then just overwrite the exe with the replacement, this covers any changes the mame devs may have made to the support files.
    After you have done this, make sure you copy the folders artwork, ctrlr, cheat, hlsl, ini, folders and the ini files from the root of your original mame folder, and move/copy them to the new install.  
    make sure in the mame.ini file you have  the following set.
    Skip_gameinfo  1
    Note: Akai Katana and DoDonPachi Saidaioujou are working with this version of mame. This will only be done if the code remains in the files, once removed i will not re-add them.
    205 0
  15. *This removes the nag screen that informs you if a rom doesn't work correctly, or if at all, if you use this no nag, then please do NOT go to the mame support site with issues with games, please only use if you understand that there will be no help from anyone at mamedev as you are using a modified version of mame.
    mame.exe - Normal Mame with Nags removed. For Version 0.252 (Note mame no longer carries the 64 in its exe name changed by Devs in 0.229)
    It's advisable to download the full 0.252 official pack and install it, then just overwrite the exe with the replacement, this covers any changes the mame devs may have made to the support files.
    After you have done this, make sure you copy the folders artwork, ctrlr, cheat, hlsl, ini, folders and the ini files from the root of your original mame folder, and move/copy them to the new install.  
    make sure in the mame.ini file you have  the following set.
    Skip_gameinfo  1
    Note: Akai Katana and DoDonPachi Saidaioujou are working with this version of mame. This will only be done if the code remains in the files, once removed i will not re-add them.
    208 0
  16. good morning all, sorry for the delay, here is arcade64 v0.251 no nag screen
    118 0
  17. *This removes the nag screen that informs you if a rom doesn't work correctly, or if at all, if you use this no nag, then please do NOT go to the mame support site with issues with games, please only use if you understand that there will be no help from anyone at mamedev as you are using a modified version of mame.
    mame.exe - Normal Mame with Nags removed. For Version 0.250 (Note mame no longer carries the 64 in its exe name changed by Devs in 0.229)
    It's advisable to download the full 0.250 official pack and install it, then just overwrite the exe with the replacement, this covers any changes the mame devs may have made to the support files.
    After you have done this, make sure you copy the folders artwork, ctrlr, cheat, hlsl, ini, folders and the ini files from the root of your original mame folder, and move/copy them to the new install.  
    make sure in the mame.ini file you have  the following set.
    Skip_gameinfo  1
    Note: Akai Katana and DoDonPachi Saidaioujou are working with this version of mame. This will only be done if the code remains in the files, once removed i will not re-add them.
    155 0
  18. *This removes the nag screen that informs you if a rom doesn't work correctly, or if at all, if you use this no nag, then please do NOT go to the mame support site with issues with games, please only use if you understand that there will be no help from anyone at mamedev as you are using a modified version of mame.
    mame.exe - Normal Mame with Nags removed. For Version 0.251 (Note mame no longer carries the 64 in its exe name changed by Devs in 0.229)
    It's advisable to download the full 0.251 official pack and install it, then just overwrite the exe with the replacement, this covers any changes the mame devs may have made to the support files.
    After you have done this, make sure you copy the folders artwork, ctrlr, cheat, hlsl, ini, folders and the ini files from the root of your original mame folder, and move/copy them to the new install.  
    make sure in the mame.ini file you have  the following set.
    Skip_gameinfo  1
    Note: Akai Katana and DoDonPachi Saidaioujou are working with this version of mame. This will only be done if the code remains in the files, once removed i will not re-add them.
    158 0
  19. sorry for the delay, I had some trouble trying to compiling this one, here is arcade64 no nag version .250
    Thank you for your patience.  Enjoy  
    ok, sorry i just found out that there was no sound in this build im working on it  i'm not sure if I can fix. amy ways i will post it later if I can resolve this issue. 
    sorry false alarm it was something wrong with my pc i have got it fixed. 
    98 0
  20. Good morning all, here is arcade64 v0.249 no nag screen thank you to Agard for helping me with this.
    50 0
  21. *This removes the nag screen that informs you if a rom doesn't work correctly, or if at all, if you use this no nag, then please do NOT go to the mame support site with issues with games, please only use if you understand that there will be no help from anyone at mamedev as you are using a modified version of mame.
    mame.exe - Normal Mame with Nags removed. For Version 0.249 (Note mame no longer carries the 64 in its exe name changed by Devs in 0.229)
    It's advisable to download the full 0.249 official pack and install it, then just overwrite the exe with the replacement, this covers any changes the mame devs may have made to the support files.
    After you have done this, make sure you copy the folders artwork, ctrlr, cheat, hlsl, ini, folders and the ini files from the root of your original mame folder, and move/copy them to the new install.  
    make sure in the mame.ini file you have  the following set.
    Skip_gameinfo  1
    Note: Akai Katana and DoDonPachi Saidaioujou are working with this version of mame. This will only be done if the code remains in the files, once removed i will not re-add them.
    117 0
  22. This is the Arcade64 0.248 No-Nag. 
    I would normally not upload this, but nate67000 is taking a well earned break for a few months, and asked me to fill in. 
    Any issue please PM me, i will try and help.
    67 0
  23. **This removes the nag screen that informs you if a rom doesn't work correctly, or if at all, if you use this no nag, then please do NOT go to the mame support site with issues with games, please only use if you understand that there will be no help from anyone at mamedev as you are using a modified version of mame.
    mame.exe - Normal Mame with Nags removed. For Version 0.248 (Note mame no longer carries the 64 in its exe name changed by Devs in 0.229)
    It's advisable to download the full 0.248 official pack and install it, then just overwrite the exe with the replacement, this covers any changes the mame devs may have made to the support files.
    After you have done this, make sure you copy the folders artwork, ctrlr, cheat, hlsl, ini, folders and the ini files from the root of your original mame folder, and move/copy them to the new install.  
    make sure in the mame.ini file you have  the following set.
    Skip_gameinfo  1
    Note: Akai Katana and DoDonPachi Saidaioujou are working with this version of mame. This will only be done if the code remains in the files, once removed i will not re-add them.
    112 0
  24. This is the Arcade64 0.247 No-Nag. 
    I would normally not upload this, but nate67000 is taking a well earned break for a few months, and asked me to fill in. 
    Any issue please PM me, i will try and help.
    48 0
  25. **This removes the nag screen that informs you if a rom doesn't work correctly, or if at all, if you use this no nag, then please do NOT go to the mame support site with issues with games, please only use if you understand that there will be no help from anyone at mamedev as you are using a modified version of mame.
    mame.exe - Normal Mame with Nags removed. For Version 0.247 (Note mame no longer carries the 64 in its exe name changed by Devs in 0.229)
    It's advisable to download the full 0.247 official pack and install it, then just overwrite the exe with the replacement, this covers any changes the mame devs may have made to the support files.
    After you have done this, make sure you copy the folders artwork, ctrlr, cheat, hlsl, ini, folders and the ini files from the root of your original mame folder, and move/copy them to the new install.  
    make sure in the mame.ini file you have  the following set.
    Skip_gameinfo  1
    Note: Akai Katana and DoDonPachi Saidaioujou are working with this version of mame. This will only be done if the code remains in the files, once removed i will not re-add them.
    98 0

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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