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  1. Hi every here is the newest in from MAME ver 231 no nag.  Enjoy
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  2. Hey everyone here is this months release of MAME64 230 no nag. Enjoy
    142 0
  3. good afternoon all, I have compiled Arcade64 no-nag screen
    this will be my last compile for this year🙂, I will be taking a break
    thank you and enjoy.
    91 0
  4. Good evening all, here is mame32 bit version 0.229
    give this a try should work with windows xp 32 bit in theory , Let  me
    let me know if this works if not its back to the drawing board
    any ways, I have tested it on my windows 10 64 bit and it runs, I have compiled it for a 32 bit os  
    95 0
  5. Good evening all, I have just been successful at compiling Arcade32 bit version 0.229
    let me know if this works this is just the binary 
    any who let me know if this works you.
    Thank you and enjoy.
    17 0
  6. here is Mame no nag v0.229
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  7. Here is arcade64 v0.229 no nag 
    70 0
  8. Hi everyone here is no nag MAME 0.228. As always enjoy 
    232 0
  9. Good morning all, here is arcade64 v0.228 no nag screen
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  10. good morning all, sorry for the delay ,I have not fully tested this arcda64 fully but so far all is well, if I find any issues
    I will update later any ways, as always enjoy☺️
    81 0
  11. Hi everyone hope everyone is doing well here is the newest release of Mame ver 227 no nag.  Enjoy everyone.
    116 0
  12. Good morning, all
    if you would like to compile your own
    Mame/Arcade64 here is a link to mame64compiler that I use:
    and here here is a link for a diff patch update:
    I have not compiled in command prompt in a while I use a gui now
    to make things easier. I still change a few lines in source code when the diff patch does not work.
    since the last couple of builds the patch has been working.
    give it a try.  In the mean time here is Arcade64 no nag.
    head softs web site has some instructions on there to help you out.
    it took me some trial and error till I got it right just remember to point to the right folder.
    when the diff update did not work I hade to open up the source file and manual impute or edit the line
    of code. in the diff patch it shows were it is at I use "notepad ++" and the search bar to find where the line of code needs to be.
    any ways,
    hope this is help full and enjoy.  
    123 0
  13. Hi everyone got some free time and was able to get MAME64 226 No Nag done. Enjoy and let me know if you have any question. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and stay safe.
    367 0
  14. good evening all, here is an updated no nag mame64 v.0225
    don't for get to change settings in mame to get no screen.
    need to turn on. skip information at start up , skip bios selection, also skip software parts selection
    then save configuration.
    I Have attach pictures.  

    151 0
  15. Good morning all, Here is an Arcade64 v0.225 no nag screen.

    84 0
  16. Good morning all, Here is an Arcade64 v0.224 no nag screen.
    69 0
  17. sorry for the delay, My network has not been running well.
    but here it is Mame64 v0.223 I will be compiling Arcade64 v0.224 Later on this week
    99 0
  18. I had a request for a 32 bit version so here you go.
    46 0
  19. good evening all, sorry for the late delay here is an updated Arcade64 v0.223 no nag screen
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  20. sorry for the late compile, but here is yet another Arcade64 v0.222
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  21. In celebration of the upcomming 4th Of July I decided to do MAME .222 No Nag for everyone. As always let me know if you run into any issues and everyone have a safe holiday. 
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  22. Here is a requested Arcade64 v.0216 no nag raw
    19 0
  23. ok, I had gotten a request for a raw version of no nag mame64 version 0.216
    here it is let me know if you find any issue's with it.
    36 0
  24. Good morning all, here is another yet delayed Arcade64 v0.221 no nag compile hope all is well in this pandemic stay safe and enjoy.
    89 0
  25. Hi All sorry for the delay I went to upload it last night and the site went down.  Here is MAME64 220 no nag. I hope everyone enjoys let me know if anyone runs into any issues. With that being said this will be my last of these for now going forward.  I hope everyone is staying save and well during these crazy times we are in. 
    438 0

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