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Game Themes (4:3)

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  1. This amazing game has been screaming for a proper theme for an absolute age. (Since I added it to the Theme Request List in 2012, in fact!) 😬
    So, here's a proper theme for it. Hope you like it! I've included a proper horizontal-format wheel and large-format logo in the theme zip as well.
  2. I really dig Mykillvee's Wing War theme, but I thought it could use some additional animation and refinement to really make it shine. So, I added P-38 and P-51 fighter planes flying around the screen and tweaked the video frame to match the game logo. I've included a matching game wheel in the theme zip too.
  3. Fun Robin Hood-themed Snow Bros. clone that doesn't appear to have any marketing materials at all, so I made a theme from scratch in the spirit of the game. I've included a zip with the assets I used, and the new wheel is in the theme zip as well. Game on! 🍎
  4. The existing theme for Tank Busters features an assortment of aspect ratio crimes (which drive me nuts), so I created a new one. 😁 The alternate wheel is in the theme zip too.
  5. I thought this game could use a theme a little truer to its flyer artwork and with a little more animation. Thanks to Mykillvee for saving me the work of cutting out the player's character again.
  6. This theme sprang to life because the game's logo is 💩. Haha. I was going to replace it with the recreated logo that's on the web, but decided that one isn't much better. One thing led to another, and I ended up making a whole new theme from scratch, because I'm just picky like that. As usual, I've included the assets, and the new wheel is in the theme zip. Enjoy!
    P.S. She's got flippers... get it? 🤣
  7. The textured background of this game's flyer scrolls by and the player's ship hovers over the full-screen video like it's flying. I love how flexible and versatile the various animation settings are in HyperSpin. You can do nearly anything with a little creativity.
  8. Theme by unknown author + Johnfreitassousa44197812's theme = this mashup! I love the background in the former theme and the foreground in the latter, so I thought I'd merge them and animate the end result. Thanks, guys!
  9. I love CHoRNy's theme concept for this, but that 32X cockpit had to go. I replaced it with the proper arcade cockpit and animated it and the TIE fighters, and gave the video a border to make it fit in a little better. I've included a wheel image to match the logo in the theme, because it annoys me to no end when my wheels don't match their themes.
  10. I liked the look of RenegadeAngel's theme for Time Scanner, but I saw an opportunity to animate it in a fun way. So I did! The flippers flip, and the pinball bounces around. I also reworked the logo to be horizontal and revised the look of the background and video as well. The horizontal wheel is in the theme zip too.
  11. As far as I know, no 4:3 theme exists for this game, only 16:9. So, I made one. 😁 And it ended up taking an absolute age to complete, thanks to the only quality artwork available being the game's marquee. Carefully cutting out complex objects is very time-consuming. Heh.
    A better-quality wheel is in the theme zip as well. Enjoy!
  12. Adapting and sharing
  13. Used Bionic Commando theme by  zomboided .  Created this one to match the Top Secret Theme.  
    4:3 Theme + Wheel
    Slowed down animation a bit. Images have been upscaled. Updated logo to read Bionic Commando.  
  14. Used Bionic Commando theme by  zomboided .
    4:3 Theme + Wheel
  15. I thought I'd make a theme for this excellent shmup that features the North American cabinet's artwork. The matching wheel image is in the theme zip.
  16. First off, making a Pang! clone and setting it in the Wild West is genius. So, props to Nix for that idea! 😆
    Here's another from-scratch theme, because it appears that nothing exists outside of the game itself. I've included the assets for the community to use as needed in the future, and the revamped logo and wheel are included as well.
  17. I liked jesfknkrys's theme for the Chinese bootleg of Gundhara so much, I decided to do a logo-swap on it for the English version of the game. Thanks, jesfknkrys!
  18. zig's theme is outstanding, so this is just a logo swap and tweak to the video frame to make it match. Orius is the North American release of Xexex (Japan). The new logo is included and I've added the new wheel to the theme zip as well.
  19. I thought I'd make a quality theme for the USA release of Operation Wolf 3, since the existing theme has a typo that was bothering me. It was a fun little adventure, tracking down quality cabinet artwork to use. Heh. The improved-quality wheel image is in the theme zip as well. On to the next theme...
  20. i made my theme so enjoy in my themes.
  21. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - mwalk (MAME) (4:3)
    Based on the movie since 1988 by Lorimar Pictures. From honorable to the late great The King of Pop Musical, Michael Jackson.
    No one to searching from Michael Jackson's Moonwalker HyperSpin Theme. Please enjoyed this theme.
  22. Since Mark II is basically the same game but with new levels, I kept the theme from the first game and added the logo and an appropriate background. No sense reinventing the wheel ball, right? 😁 The new wheel image is in the theme zip too.
  23. Sega's take on Arkanoid is a quality game, so I made a quality theme for it. The correct wheel is in the theme zip.
  24. I just couldn't at all with this game's official artwork (which looks like an abandoned Looney Tunes concept), so I made everything from scratch except the logos. This theme might be the silliest one I've ever done... but then, the game itself is pretty silly, and that's what makes it fun! Jump Kids is a Snow Bros. clone that takes place in a completely nonsensical world. I'd love to know what drugs they were on when they made this game! 😵
    Since this one is from scratch, I've included the assets I used. Also, the remixed wheel is in the theme zip if you want to use that as well.
  25. Thought I'd whip up a proper theme for this fun Tetris clone. The color-corrected wheel is in the theme zip also.

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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