Gals Panic 4 in my theme i made it so my artwork is Reika Aoki from Smile Pretty Cure and Rias Gremory from High School DxD so enjoy in my theme.
I made my theme. My artwork is Umi Sonoda from Love Live! The School Idol Project. So enjoy.
I made my theme. My artwork is Asuka Takizawa from Tropical Rouge Pretty Cure. So enjoy.
I made my theme. My artwork is Rei Miyamoto from High School of the Dead. So enjoy.
Quiz Nanairo Dreams this game was came out in Japanese Version only.
Slam Dunk 2 in Japanese Version from original rom is Run and Gun 2
I Made my theme in Puzzle Break artwork based on flyer.
Simple theme for Pirate Pete & real wheel logo.
Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R in my theme.
Vs. Gradius from Nintendo Vs. System i made in my theme
Dacholer -dacholer (Mame) 4:3
i made new HyperSpin MAME Theme from Quiz Sailor Moon this game is Japanese version only.
i have new HyperSpin Theme from Baseball Games
Curve Ball -curvebal (Mame) 4:3
D-Day (Centuri) -ddayc (Mame) 4:3
'ddayc is a clone of dday'
Crossed Swords II -crswd2bl (Mame) 4:3 + Wheel Art
Crazy Rally -crzrally (Mame) 4:3
Pachinko Sexy Reaction 2 - sxyreac2 - mame 4:3
Ataxx - Ataxx mame 4:3
Hi folks just an edit to the original theme so now has bullet holes & gun shots plus a little movement for the censored Germany version where you fight cyborgs instead of real men.
Credits below & in Info file.Thanks
Filling in some gaps.
Son Of Phoenix - sonofphx - mame 4:3
Space Odyssey - spaceod - mame 4:3
Super Trio - suprtrio - mame 4:3
Theme & wheel for Tower & Shaft.