RoboWres 2001 - robowres
Grand Striker (Europe) - gstriker
Magic Johnson's Fast Break (Arcadia, V 2.7) - ar_fast (MAME 4:3)
Digger Man (prototype) - diggerma (MAME 4:3)
Boulder Dash (Max-A-Flex) - mf_bdash (MAME 4:3)
Puzzle Bobble 2 / Bust-A-Move-Again (Neo-Geo) - pbobbl2n
Pipe Line - pipeline
Puckman Pockimon (set 1) - puckpkmn
Pack'n Bang Bang (prototype) - packbang (MAME 4:3)
Off The Wall - offtwall (MAME 4:3)
Taito Cup Finals - cupfinal (MAME 4:3)
Kick Goal (set 1) - kickgoal (MAME 4:3)
Uniwar S - uniwars (MAME 4:3)
Dunk Shot (Rev C) - dunkshot (MAME 4:3)
Final Lap 3 (World, Rev C) - finalap3 (MAME 4:3)
Final Lap 2 - finalap2 (MAME 4:3)
Final Lap (Rev E) - finallap (MAME 4:3)
Appoooh - appoooh (MAME 4:3)
Android (prototype, later build) - androidp (MAME 4:3)
Vs. Top Gun - topgun
Meta fox mame
Mercs (world) - mercs-Oscarino1(20190701)mame
Mars - mars-Oscarino1(20190622)arcade
Not to be confused with Space Invaders Part II or Deluxe, Space Invaders II was a head-to-head cocktail arcade game released by Midway. I couldn't find a theme for this particular title, so I made this one. I like this game because I have a 3-sided cocktail MAME machine that I can play head-to-head with someone on.
Here is a YouTube preview of the theme:
More info about this particular game is here:
Another shooter done. Isn't emulated correctly yet but will be one day.
All credit goes to Skywatcher would re-drew all the artwork and logo. Great job!