I have taken which I think the best elements from different Batman themes & added my own twist to it. So enjoy !
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Bio Hazard Battle (Mega Play) - mp_bio (MAME) (4:3)
Here's my own theme for this Golf classic. Wheel art also available
Exed Exes Mame
Gratia Second Earath (mame)
Explosive Breaker Mame
Arcade Mame
Exed Exes Mame
Theme do Metal Slug.
Theme do Samurai Shodown 2.
Theme Samurai Shodown.
Visite meu canal no youtube "unurbGameplay"
Theme Samurai Shodown 3 (4:3) (Mame,Neogeo)
Confira canal youtube OnurbGamePlay (themes para hyperspin)
Special thanks goes to THK for his artwork. I compiled the theme, animations, blinking lights and video border. @THK
Here's my own theme for the 2nd iteration of this great shooter series! Custom wheel art is also available. Enjoy
Here's my own theme for this fantastic arcade shooter! Custom wheel art is also included. Enjoy
Mega phoenix - megaphx (MAME) (4:3)
Here's a theme for this obscure retro light gun arcade game. I had no artwork from the game, so I winged it! Custom logo wheel art is also available. Enjoy
My Theme
Here's my own theme for this amazing shooter! Enjoy, and don't forget to click the mushroom!
Here's my own theme for this awesome classic arcade shooter! Wheel art also available
ALL NEW THEME! *See version notes
Here's my own theme for this awesome run & gun shooter! Features redrawn logo, wheel art and cleaned up character art from the game's flyer!
I love this classic shooter, so I wanted to make my own theme! Features redrawn/restored logo, original artwork and new wheel art!
ALL NEW THEME! Completely restored artwork, restored logo, new background art, new video border, new wheel art and new animations!
This is my absolute favorite ball & paddle game ever! I really wanted to give it the bling treatment, so I made my own theme. My own wheel art is also available. Enjoy!